
Review Detail of _Dr_Doctor_ in Naruto: Gravity

Review detail


The idea is good, but the execution is mediocre. There would be more descriptions of some, otherwise events happen very quickly, crumpled. Also, the logic of the protagonist is kind of strange, like, seriously? By the appearance of the fetus, determine that he does not have a weakness for water? Well, this is just my opinion, based on reading the first and, a little, the second chapter, maybe further and better, but I could not resist and wrote about it. P. S. I mostly rated it by accident.

Naruto: Gravity


Liked by 4 people




Yeah, the beginning isn't the best ever. I forgot the water weakness at first then added it in after I already published the chapter, causing it to be a little bleh. In my opinion, it's starting to get a lot better in the last 2 chapters.