
Review Detail of bunnyrabbit in Her Once Upon A Time Boyfriend

Review detail


Writing Quality: The way that it was written was easy to understand and the narration was easy to follow. I don't see any glaring issues with grammar and punctuation. Stability of Updates: So far so good. Story development: I've read the first three chaps and so many things happened already. The pacing wasn't too fast nor too slow, just okay. Character Design: I couldn't say much since I haven't gone that far yet but based on the three chaps I've read so far, the protag was supposed to be missing some sort of memory. [?] I'm not sure. But she has an air of mystery around her. I'd like to see more of her in future uploads. World Background: I don't have a clear picture yet but I think she's in a mansion or something. [?] But considering I'm still on the earlier chaps, I guess the good parts are about to come. Conclusion: I love how the author started with something suspenseful and presented us with one of the [many?] problems our protag is gonna go through in the future. The way the author foreshadowed was done in a way that it doesn't turn into an exposition. And I hate it when that happens. So in short, I recommend this book.

Her Once Upon A Time Boyfriend


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Thank you for this sincere review 🥰