Came for the Plot, and stayed for the actual plot, who would've thought?
I've been following Cam's great works through different platforms for a little while, so imagine my surprise when I was reading the summary and only out of the corner of my eye, see his name and found out he also had an account here? Honestly... now that I think about it while writing this review, it probably shouldn't have surprised me at all...
Anyway, back to reviewing the actual work: Amazing, really. Solid and just consistent quality all over. Also, as someone who loves Elden Ring (well, DS games in general), the effort that he's put into it in terms of lore, and even making the more nonsensical or, as he likes to call them, "fill-in-the-blanks" things feel real and fitting... Is rather mind-blowing.
I ate through the story in a day and a half, expecting it to be something for me to read on the side to just read something, but my word did it hook me.
I can safely say that you have given me my Perfect Ending now, Cam. Exactly what I wished was possible for me to do in all those runs I've had and hundreds of hours looking for alternatives that even the mighty wikis don't know of, so for that, Thank you.