
Review Detail of SkyNeves in Hollywood King

Review detail


Well came here because of the author Extra26's recommendation/mention. I'll comment on the book before giving my personal opinion of the work in general. 1-Writing Quality: The writing quality is pretty good, it has little to no grammar mistakes so far. So far I can't think of a major downside about the writing and that actually says something. [4 Stars Here] 2-Story Development: the plot is good it looks like the author planned how it will progress. The downside is that some parts where skipped or felt rushed. An example was when MC(Ian) tried to convince his uncle about letting him do something.(Not giving much details due to spoilers) [4 Stars Here] 3-Character Design: Well this is one of the points that are not so great for me, sometimes the characters seem forced(their interactions) and sometimes the characters don't seem to have the same dept to them. The best example is the MC who at first is cold since he's focused on assimilating his new life but after that his personality takes many turns.(again not explaining in dept due to spoilers) [3 Stars Here] 4-Update Stability: I can't complain about this since I started to read it when it had 8 chapters and it seemed daily. [5 Stars Here] 5-World Background: The world is detailed but not detailed enough. I mean like scenes, we get he's staring in to a mirror, there's a blue something something bed and all that but it's one of the few scenes that is well described. Others like the guild he shows up to register isn't that detailed. [4 Stars Here] Overall: 4.0 Opinion: When I read "inspired by My Hollywood System" I thought maybe it's just because it's a Hollywood book and with a system, maybe take some ideas like company management and stuff like that, but the start is basically the same with a different backstory. 1-MC ends up in new world with same name as him(Ok, at least the bodies are different right?); 2-The MC is an orphan(same in both books); 3-MC gets system(at least the systems are different but this one is less challenging which was a nice touch); 4-The uncle is a friend of the dead dad(This one is better off... kinda) Basically the start is very similar, thankfully the backgrounds are different so it gives a different feel most times. There's a lack of consistently on the MC's character/personality. The other characters seem more superficial or not given enough background or something like that. This honestly feels like a fanfiction of My Hollywood System, no offense. For new readers: I recommend reading at least 5 chapters before making an opinion based on my kinda biased review😂. Honestly it's a nice read, it just has some things that I can see/picture for another story(which kinda makes sense since it was inspired by it).

Hollywood King


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Thank you for your honest review, and yes... When I first started writing this around three months ago, I did take lots of inspiration from MHS, but with time I can assure for whoever decides to stick by might see changes (huge ones) in my writing style and in the plot. I appreciate your thoughts, thank you!


No problem, the story is actually nice so far and I really hope to see it distance itself and stand out of the shadow of MHS. About his parents it felt like something unnecessary (my opinion, your vision could be different and way better). With them alive there could be character development and background development from him and his family. His parents could be disappointed in his choices(since they wouldn't die he could be an entitled brat) and so would the caretaker of the house. The business would be mildly doing well(with failed or barely successful movies). That way MC would go like "I got a dose of reality when money couldn't help me out of a bad situation."(whatever you decide the situation is, Dr*gs, mugging, shady deal gone bad. Then plot would go like it did but it'd be the dad instead of him(you'd also get an extra chapter of him dealing with his family and showing he changed), and his uncle could be a stubborn non believer o his change which would add drama since he has 15%. D*mn I wrote a lot😂, anyway no use fixating on it since the story is already on its way. Again, I can't wait for the improvements you talked about.

TC_Liyanage1:Thank you for your honest review, and yes... When I first started writing this around three months ago, I did take lots of inspiration from MHS, but with time I can assure for whoever decides to stick by might see changes (huge ones) in my writing style and in the plot. I appreciate your thoughts, thank you!

Nice plot you got there! gotta give that to you hands down! and... yes, hang in there! it's a fun ride :) Enjoy!

SkyNeves:No problem, the story is actually nice so far and I really hope to see it distance itself and stand out of the shadow of MHS. About his parents it felt like something unnecessary (my opinion, your vision could be different and way better). With them alive there could be character development and background development from him and his family. His parents could be disappointed in his choices(since they wouldn't die he could be an entitled brat) and so would the caretaker of the house. The business would be mildly doing well(with failed or barely successful movies). That way MC would go like "I got a dose of reality when money couldn't help me out of a bad situation."(whatever you decide the situation is, Dr*gs, mugging, shady deal gone bad. Then plot would go like it did but it'd be the dad instead of him(you'd also get an extra chapter of him dealing with his family and showing he changed), and his uncle could be a stubborn non believer o his change which would add drama since he has 15%. D*mn I wrote a lot😂, anyway no use fixating on it since the story is already on its way. Again, I can't wait for the improvements you talked about.

Oh there's one main problem about the book that I saw. We don't know anything about the MC(Ian) besides "he's a Playboy" and nothing else. No age, no physical characteristics, no clothes he's wearing (besides the suit he wears in caretaker scene, which wasn't explained where it came from since caretaker said she didn't know he had it). Overall that's the main problem not only with the protagonist but also everyone else. It's why I said stuff feels rushed or forced.

TC_Liyanage1:Nice plot you got there! gotta give that to you hands down! and... yes, hang in there! it's a fun ride :) Enjoy!

SkyNeves:Oh there's one main problem about the book that I saw. We don't know anything about the MC(Ian) besides "he's a Playboy" and nothing else. No age, no physical characteristics, no clothes he's wearing (besides the suit he wears in caretaker scene, which wasn't explained where it came from since caretaker said she didn't know he had it). Overall that's the main problem not only with the protagonist but also everyone else. It's why I said stuff feels rushed or forced.

Thanks for the review. It definitely helps and tc is new, so she's still learning. Anyway, the review is a lot of help.


Hárèm ?


It would be best to put this in a novel section instead of it being in ff. If it’s ff then put real-life actor and stuff in here

TC_Liyanage1:Thank you for your honest review, and yes... When I first started writing this around three months ago, I did take lots of inspiration from MHS, but with time I can assure for whoever decides to stick by might see changes (huge ones) in my writing style and in the plot. I appreciate your thoughts, thank you!

hey... hope you're enjoying the work so far, and spoiler alert: there are real actors we know in it :))

Venom_God:It would be best to put this in a novel section instead of it being in ff. If it’s ff then put real-life actor and stuff in here

nice.. thx for the answer..Nvm my other comments then lol..looking forward to it and keep up the good work

TC_Liyanage1:hey... hope you're enjoying the work so far, and spoiler alert: there are real actors we know in it :))