
Review Detail of The_Illuminated in Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)

Review detail


To start off, this fanfic has a very good writing quality; the characters interactions are very nicely done and I like the overall idea of the fanfic. To finish off the positive points, I love the small and possible hints at romance between key characters, and I am looking foward, a lot, to the resolution of it. Now, for the two negative points, the lack of chapter publishing, which is not non-understandable, everyone has a life, but it kind of cuts the immersion of the reading; the last negative point, is that as we have only seen the prologue to the story, I find the story key points lacking, there are some cool and interesting story plots already, but it isn't enough for what this fanfic might one day reach. That's all. #Team-Rhaenyra

Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)


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