
Review Detail of Cyclxne in Xianxia Online

Review detail


Greetings, my fellow cultured ladies and gentlemen. If you have read this book in the past but then dropped it for whatever reason, this review is for you. Minor spoilers ahead! Beware. After taking feedback from readers and editors alike, I have went back and edited a lot of the previous storyline (e.g. bringing the huntress along, MC making 'mistakes' despite his years of experience) to make it more realistic and fitting of the MC's character. I sincerely recommend giving this book another try, as I have fixed many of the previous inconsistencies. Thank you to everyone who does give this book another shot, and I hope you all have an awesome day. :)

Xianxia Online


Liked by 27 people




keep up a good work author, will always rooting for you ✨✨ hope you didnt drop this.


did anything change? Its still shows me that his hands are cut and he almost died twice in both instances because of his 'mistakes'.


They are not mistakes anymore. :)

tortle:did anything change? Its still shows me that his hands are cut and he almost died twice in both instances because of his 'mistakes'.

i am sorry but from what i get you just changed the wording and now its intentional?

Cyclxne:They are not mistakes anymore. :)

well he can't change too much because of the way wn works. it is absolutely stupid how restricting wn is in that regard.

tortle:i am sorry but from what i get you just changed the wording and now its intentional?

Ok, I'll give it another try.


everything's still the same for me

HellSingFang:Ok, I'll give it another try.

can't expect much from a platform who let's authors delete the reader's reviews.

Dovos:well he can't change too much because of the way wn works. it is absolutely stupid how restricting wn is in that regard.

well you have to allow that as platform because it is impossible for the staff to moderate the comments and reviews themselves. so they have to leave that to the authors. and yes that gets abused heavily but that is the case everywhere and not just on wn.

tortle:can't expect much from a platform who let's authors delete the reader's reviews.

they should just add restrictions man...like readers should have read 10+ chps with 1hr reading time to write a review. Spam comments can get easily detected with AIs. Although replies to reviews should be enabled. Atlast author can report some comments if there is still some left and then the amount would be alot less...other sites do it why can't they do it too.

Dovos:well you have to allow that as platform because it is impossible for the staff to moderate the comments and reviews themselves. so they have to leave that to the authors. and yes that gets abused heavily but that is the case everywhere and not just on wn.

it is hard to get a hour of reading time when the book has less than 50 chapters and reviews are the main thing that can lift you out of the masses before you have 300+ chapters. sure ai auto mods exist but we can see on yt how badly they work and yt has one of the biggest datacenter and supercomputers to run their algorithms. wn is WAY too small and doesn't have millions per year to run and develop algorithms that do the work worse than an author could do themselves for free and with better accuracy. the only cost is that some authors play the meta and like everywhere else try to have their content look as good as possible without making actually good content because we are still reading it regardless of what they do or not do.

tortle:they should just add restrictions man...like readers should have read 10+ chps with 1hr reading time to write a review. Spam comments can get easily detected with AIs. Although replies to reviews should be enabled. Atlast author can report some comments if there is still some left and then the amount would be alot less...other sites do it why can't they do it too.

but that would still be better than having every single novel with 4.8+ star rating. Its better to just rename reviews and comments at this point. Although there are spams but they are not on a level that it will make it more worse than it already is because let's be honest, there's no honest reviews atm with 99% authore delete low rating legit reviews too. One more thing I can think of is limit the reviews once per ip.

Dovos:it is hard to get a hour of reading time when the book has less than 50 chapters and reviews are the main thing that can lift you out of the masses before you have 300+ chapters. sure ai auto mods exist but we can see on yt how badly they work and yt has one of the biggest datacenter and supercomputers to run their algorithms. wn is WAY too small and doesn't have millions per year to run and develop algorithms that do the work worse than an author could do themselves for free and with better accuracy. the only cost is that some authors play the meta and like everywhere else try to have their content look as good as possible without making actually good content because we are still reading it regardless of what they do or not do.

it doesn't matter how they do it. it will always be wrong. either too restricted or too lose and exploitable. it you want to read actual reviews to a novel you have to read the answers and comments to the reviews. the reviews themselves are mostly useless like you said. I just read the first 5 chapters and then drop it or not. from the 300 something books I touched and read the first few chapters I have maybe 100 I read more than 50 chapters and less than 30 where I have read over 200 chapters. I have maybe 4 that I read above chapter 500

tortle:but that would still be better than having every single novel with 4.8+ star rating. Its better to just rename reviews and comments at this point. Although there are spams but they are not on a level that it will make it more worse than it already is because let's be honest, there's no honest reviews atm with 99% authore delete low rating legit reviews too. One more thing I can think of is limit the reviews once per ip.

More chaps please [img=update]


which chapter?

tortle:did anything change? Its still shows me that his hands are cut and he almost died twice in both instances because of his 'mistakes'.

Hey author Just wanted to ask. Do i need to read other novels before i start this one since they share the same multiverse?


No. Each has individual storyline.

ZARIUS:Hey author Just wanted to ask. Do i need to read other novels before i start this one since they share the same multiverse?

hoping to see more