
Review Detail of Salad_Adressing in Xianxia Online

Review detail


Story starts out pretty fast with our disgusting protagonist Otaku loser turning into his cultivation self. (Side note, if he has lived for thousands of years, not sure why he isn't more mature but that's whatever.) As of the latest chapters where it was revealed that he was actually in a world made by a cultivator and that (surprise surprise) the world is real and not just a game, I have kind of started to lose interest. It starts exciting with a lot of unknowns as we observe our protagonist and the world chat etc. But, we see less and less of the world chat functions, and the story feels less like what it originally was. I know that he is supposed to be 'mysterious' but part of what made this story so good was the merging of cultivation, video games, and chats. Also, the leaderboards haven't really been used well. There were many opportunities to open up more routes for characters or sects but they are brushed aside and the only reoccurring characters are the MC's waifus. Oh, and yes im angry that grandmaster turned suicidal. By the way, please please please make leaderboard characters more relevant. The only relevant one you are making is the "number 2" but since they were all sent in batches, I'm sure that the competitive spirit is fueling the top 10 players.. add some worth to them and give them a name. As for my last critique: The fact that the players were all sent in batches is kind of strange and lame. Due to the capabilities of the cultivation God or whatever I'm sure there could have been a waiting room or a time manipulation on a high level for everyone to start at the same time. idk, guess it's just so that mc seems '"cooler" that he did all this while being behind.

Xianxia Online


Liked by 3 people




First off, thank you for the honest review. Allow me to explain some of things you mentioned. 1. World Chat/Other Game Functions - These aren't as prominent in the story since Xuan has never been one to pay attention to the chat (a small detail addressed near the beginning of the story) so it wouldn't make sense for him to constantly be checking it. As such, only when big public events come around (e.g. the upcoming one) will the global chat be highlighted, or when Xuan does something crazy... 2. Leaderboards - this ties in from my previous point. Spoilers ahead, beware. There will soon be coming to light something called a Bounty Leaderboard, and other players will begin to try to hunt him down through a variety of means. Of course, you might be thinking, oh Xuan is so strong, no one can beat him anyway! But as you will find out, the Bounty System will change that slightly so he is still OP, but not invincible. With that comes more relevance of the other leaderboard players. 3. More characters/sects - I am slowly developing more and more here. Again, spoilers ahead - e.g. the Thousand Blossoms City, Glacial Heights Pavilion, etc. The reason I am prioritizing his wives' stuff first is because I already hinted at them early in the story, and didn't want readers to just forget about them. 4. Even though that the ARXA is capable of doing incredible things, keep in mind that the United Nations are not aware of this, and just think Nirvana is a normal company. As such, the procedures she takes are normal to continue hiding her strength, not to mention the simple lack of space in the main sect's courtyard. Lastly, once again, thanks for the review - I'll be going back and editing some stuff after reading this. :) Cheers!


thank you for the reply. I will continue to read and am excited to see what you come up with.

Cyclxne:First off, thank you for the honest review. Allow me to explain some of things you mentioned. 1. World Chat/Other Game Functions - These aren't as prominent in the story since Xuan has never been one to pay attention to the chat (a small detail addressed near the beginning of the story) so it wouldn't make sense for him to constantly be checking it. As such, only when big public events come around (e.g. the upcoming one) will the global chat be highlighted, or when Xuan does something crazy... 2. Leaderboards - this ties in from my previous point. Spoilers ahead, beware. There will soon be coming to light something called a Bounty Leaderboard, and other players will begin to try to hunt him down through a variety of means. Of course, you might be thinking, oh Xuan is so strong, no one can beat him anyway! But as you will find out, the Bounty System will change that slightly so he is still OP, but not invincible. With that comes more relevance of the other leaderboard players. 3. More characters/sects - I am slowly developing more and more here. Again, spoilers ahead - e.g. the Thousand Blossoms City, Glacial Heights Pavilion, etc. The reason I am prioritizing his wives' stuff first is because I already hinted at them early in the story, and didn't want readers to just forget about them. 4. Even though that the ARXA is capable of doing incredible things, keep in mind that the United Nations are not aware of this, and just think Nirvana is a normal company. As such, the procedures she takes are normal to continue hiding her strength, not to mention the simple lack of space in the main sect's courtyard. Lastly, once again, thanks for the review - I'll be going back and editing some stuff after reading this. :) Cheers!