
Review Detail of SighingClouds in Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Review detail


Let me do the honor of being the first few homans to review this book. Writing Quality: Top-notch among the original novels I've read. Story Development: Quite good! It's interesting. From low to high, and it rolls. Character Design: Very interesting! Especially the members of the chat group. What I liked the most is the MC's cheat, it's so self-fulliling. I'm worried of one thing though, the MC is kinda OP, I wonder how the author will control it to bring the best entertainment. Updating Stability: It's good and should be good! World Background: I appreciate the author's creativity in this book. The world he designed is very interesting. Among the hundreds of novels I've read, this one has a unique world background.


Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System


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