
Review Detail of Glasses_Dude in God on Descent

Review detail


I ain't gon be one of shameless authors (not saying they are wrong) but yeah I ain't the best my writing quality is ok? I guess? I will update atleast one chapter every day the story development well....I make it up as I go. Character design......well I stole- ahem "borrowed" the image on google which is why email me if its yours or if you want to send me a art and if I really like it then i'll use it as the cover. The world backround.....er I guess if you mash up Roman, Greek, and all other myths and legends together then that is what the world will be I guess. any ways thx if your are supporting me allthough i'm like an ant in the world of writers I hope I will succeed. So support me in any way I can.

God on Descent


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