
Review Detail of asdasdssf in Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Review detail


Well... Story had some potential, at chapter 1, but I read till c5 and basically mc is like god in GoT world. He controls minds of everyone to do what he wishes easily, including his family. Making him an pretty scum of an character. He has op wizard powers. And on top of all that, author just makes everything in world happen in favor of mc anyways. Earthquake freaking made moat across the neck, North found diamonds etc. We know pretty much nothing will be obstacle for mc so I'm asking myself why bother reading. Besides, I'm only at chapter 5 but North is already well on it's way to become equal to South, or it is already because they have Harry and completed Moat Cilin + natural obstacle of Canal. Oh and I almost forgot about promised boons of the death that are still undiscovered... I mean come on.... Again, is there really anything to look forwards to? Unless author is just going to suddenly nerf mc out of nowhere, which would be equally stupid as story thus far, he can just apparate to every ruler in world and control them as he wishes -.- Also I do have to mention that writing isn't the best, which I could easily ignore if the story wasn't so bad already. And there's some other criticism I found from people that has gone further that me, which made me delete my original review and add this paragraph, there's really nothing to look forwards to and I'm stopping here. Very rarely I write review so early, but there's just so much stuff that inherently makes the story in future way worse so I feel justified doing so.

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms


Liked by 3 people




Really, story could be amazing if magic was nerfed a bit, maybe magic in westeros is wild so apparation and subtle stuff like mind magic will fail. Maybe he could teleport with use of runes by making fixed apparation points. If author didn't include death's gifts, and didn't shovel in advantages to mc like earthquake and diamonds for free, story would have had a lot of potential. But as is, story doesn't have potential because we are at finish line already, and if some slight obstacle appears, based on story thus far we can expect author to just send in some celestial cheat -.-


Oh, and I forgot to add, that in chapter 5 faceless men also start to serve him, and citadel is pretty much 100% on his side :D


The citadel will burn that'sfor sure (since he create somethingthat counter their monopolyover knowledge)...Aryan doesn't control he put suggestions and if he control someone...is a bad one, magic will be mentioned less in the other chapters but still used...not in a excessive way but still used when necessary. If you don't like the story don't read it, don't slender it


This is not slander, it's just a fact that mc has powers to basically magic any problem away, on top of his boons. And it does make story without tension and stakes aka. boring.

PrimalWhiteStar:The citadel will burn that'sfor sure (since he create somethingthat counter their monopolyover knowledge)...Aryan doesn't control he put suggestions and if he control someone...is a bad one, magic will be mentioned less in the other chapters but still used...not in a excessive way but still used when necessary. If you don't like the story don't read it, don't slender it