
Review Detail of Useless_g in Pokemon: The Tale of A Legend

Review detail


An honest review. (I wrote as best I could, but there may still be errors in writing.) The Work in my point of view deserves 3.8 Stars. And Depending on the taste of each person, it can reach a 4. So let's start. Writing Quality: The Writing Quality is at 5/5, after all, I use Translator. Thanks to this, I don't have to worry about bad writing or anything like that. Stability of Updates: A good frequency, much better than many popular works. So I have nothing to complain about, 5/5. Story Development: 1/5 Here is the main and most dangerous point. The story follows a slow tempo, which is the kind of 'Rhythm' I love to read the most. The Problem is the content of the Story and how things are carried out. I'm not saying history is too heavy, or anything like that. For me, it could have even heavier scenes and I would continue reading perfectly. The real problem with this whole issue is the form used to Develop the Protagonist, as well as some warnings from the Author. He even commented that the Protagonist will go through defeats and bad situations, and will evolve. And I couldn't be happier if it was just that, but... it's not. I honestly think that the Author greatly underestimates the 'heavier' and 'realistic' theme that he decided to put in his work. Someone who has watched up to X & Y should have a very good mindset for a Pokemon World, as he for sure must have heard about training methods and training ways for Pokemons, either in the anime itself or guesses created by Fans. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the Protagonist should start out being an all-powerful and invincible Character, let alone that he should be cold and calculating. I just don't like the method used to teach the Protagonist. He doesn't seem to have much imagination or creativity, thinking like a True character who ignores obvious things, like the Pokemon Characters themselves. And it gets even worse with this bizarre new plot, about a threat that even Arceus has suffered a little to fight, bullshit of sorts. The Realistic Pokemon Storyline, alongside the various antagonist teams, rivals, leagues, and Pokemons itself is threatening enough and carries a plethora of content to explore. Adding a new threat being from an outside location spoiled the story more than it already was. The way the Protagonist's Grandfather trains him is bizarre, and not in the wrong sense. Just...stupid, from the Reader's point of view. The Protagonist should have thought logically about this and should have known how the most basic Pokemons like Spearows and Beedrills work since he himself claims to be a fan of the Work. He, with a Magby, ran away from Pokemon so simple that he could have a massive advantage if he only used his mind to use the plethora of attacks his Magby currently carries. I could spend an entire day saying the Downside of every ''battle'' or ''bad event'' that happened, and I really wouldn't get tired of it. I would only get angrier and angrier remembering all the Rage I spent reading History. Character Design: 3/5. The Protagonist is the Worst in my point of view, as much as he seems very Human to me, carrying emotions like Fear and others. I just find him...incoherent, with a gigantic determination to get stronger and never be powerless like the Mother and Daughter Situation. But some Chapters later it is mentioned that he didn't train Hard Enough and people with an even more rigorous and heavy Routine would get his years of effort in a few months. His grandfather is a down-to-earth guy, and I like him. Just like his parents. Overall, his family is getting a 5/5 for me. Diantha... well, I don't like his character. Mainly for the sake of Appearance, so there's no need to Worry. It just makes me sad to hear that it's almost fully confirmed that she will be the Protagonist's supposed 'Interest', according to their interactions. Can I be wrong? Obviously, but currently, this is what I'm observing and deducing. World Background: 5/5. I like the World of this Work and the way things are portrayed. In some ways, I can be considered a more realistic Pokemon World junkie. ----- Ultimately, this was the entire and heartfelt Review, which I doubt many will even read in its entirety. I just needed to say what I thought of the work... Of course, I won't drop her just because I gave her a ''1/5'' in Story Development, I'll keep reading. As much as I get irritated seeing many scenes of the Protagonist, I still manage to enjoy the work of seeing other Characters. Sorry for taking up the time of whoever reads this. Have a nice month!

Pokemon: The Tale of A Legend


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The 'bizzare new plot' is actually not made up. Hehe you will be surprised my dear reader, It's actually a part of the franchise. Although I used the word 'Abyss' they are actually what they seem like they are. If you wanna know, gotta wait 😉 Thank you for your review! I love reading it.