
Review Detail of Narcii_9dar in Strongest Mage with the Lust system

Review detail


Well honestly the story was good. It has some interesting things if you know what I mean. I only gave this a 3.8 because of CCCRP ( common chinese cliche romance plot ) scene where the fl separates with mc cuz she got some unique physique like IJPDYB (Ice Jade Phoenix Divine Yin Physique /Body ) which attracted a SEOIV ( Supreme Elder Of Ice Valley) when she was 'coincidentally' passing by. This novel would have been perfect if not for this CCCRP. Anyway its only an opinion from my perspective so if you have no problem with this CCCRP then give this a try

Strongest Mage with the Lust system


Liked by 21 people




If you change this to a common Chinese plot or a cliche Chinese plot you'd get CCP as the abbreviation which is basically the Chinese ruling party. Just thought id mention that