I have not read the story yet but I wanna say something when a girl is fat why does everyone called her ugly..... being fat is not ugly at all... So author you shouldn't be calling her ugly. She should love herself... Why is she repeatedly calling herself ugly. That's not necessary..... So it would be good to not call her ugly.
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LIKEIt's an opinion. So what? There are people who think fat is ugly and other people think skinny is ugly. Different people are attracted to different sizes and different looks. It's a very subjective topic. Who are you telling others how they should feel about other people? If the author thinks fat is ugly, then fat is ugly in his eyes.
well, okay.... I didn't get it, in what way you are saying I'm telling him to change...... did I ever force him to change the story . I just suggest him and that is just a matter of politeness to not call a fat person ugly. It is indeed a subjective topic that's why I shared my "opinion" too... I didn't shared my opinion for someone in perticular, they should have the love for themselves no matter they're skinny or fat. That is what I meant .
I'm not promoting fat shaming because tbh I'm chubby myself. But I do get where the author is coming from. This is most likely a translation and when it comes to certain ancient Asian cultures, being relatively thin - not skin and bones - was considered fashionable. The same goes for dark skin. If one had fairer skin, it meant they didn't have to work under the sun aka being rich. also we cannot forget that we're talking about an 80s setting story. You cannot place modern ideologies into ancient setting. It might offend quite a few but it would be culturally inappropriate. And also this light skin and slim figure still plays a major role in most Asian cultures; even today.