
Review Detail of Sneakycat098 in Heaven's Flame

Review detail


Amazing story with fantastic world building. There are so many things in this fantasy world that it really made me stick to the novel continuously. The only thing which I found pointing out was that the author needs to increase the vocabulary. Whenever I read the sentences it cuts so abruptly that I need to re read again this disrupting my flow. On the other hand, everything has been described so precisely that you can see the effort author put in this novel. There was a minor issue, which I've already mentioned in the comment. I wish author best of luck for his work☺️

Heaven's Flame


Liked by 1 people




I'm happy you enjoy this novel. Please any complaints or mistakes you spot, it would be really appreciated if you point them out to me. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the other chapters. Will play my own part now.