
Review Detail of Davros92 in New Father: Empress Appearing On My Doorstep With Our Daughters

Review detail


I never really understood this whole thing about parents spoiling their daughters books. Is it some fetish? A paraphilia? Like if you're of legal age and don't have a criminal record. You can adopt a daughter and literally pamper her with attention and affection. Seriously, there must be thousands of orphans and they don't even want a rich and super powerful father, they are satisfied with a healthy human and ethically responsible relationship. You don't have to believe me wherever you live must have social workers taking care of it. Just don't mention that the idea came from the internet.

New Father: Empress Appearing On My Doorstep With Our Daughters

Cloud Fire Pheonix

Liked by 54 people




true. father adopting daughter is not a real world scenario. men will get scorned and will be seen as perverts for this.

Rushinator:Lol unless you’re married good luck adopting. Any single man trying to adopt, especially a daughter, is going to be looked at with suspicion AT BEST. If a man is married then they are going to just have kids of their own.

Same I don't get this fascination that Chinese author's have with this genre, it be alright if the books had decent relationship building but most of the relationships in these novels are stale and the family cardboard cutouts, the character's are forgettable cliches without personality and the author's to lazy to make the character's likeable so you can actually care about them


Perhaps it's guilt I know Chinese families have for a long time only wanted sons and have even abandoned daughters so they could have another child since they legally couldn't have too many children


Lol unless you’re married good luck adopting. Any single man trying to adopt, especially a daughter, is going to be looked at with suspicion AT BEST. If a man is married then they are going to just have kids of their own.


This book is a hit for me, because It remind me of myself, because my father was not in my life until, I was 3-4 years old, because he was studying abroad during that time. although, he did spoil me a lot but in a different way from what this novel are doing. And I can grantee you, that this is a wholesome relationship between father and daughter, not the paraphilia you are thinking about. I'm talking only for this novel, not for any other, because I know of many bad writing about what you are talking about, but most of them are from Japanese author, as light novel has been there for longer, so it create more bad novel as side product, this kind of thing happen with the industry mature, not just for Chinese author. In fact any related to pedophilia in Asia is a very big taboo, and those people may even be kill in a less urban area, since the law is loose there. and they will face a very long jail time, and discrimination from society in urban area. This is because of the tradition of staying virgin until married, so pedophilia are almost equal to killing the kid by removing her future.


that is...actually might be true

Dezzter:Perhaps it's guilt I know Chinese families have for a long time only wanted sons and have even abandoned daughters so they could have another child since they legally couldn't have too many children