
Review Detail of DotComplex in Overlord: Reborn as an NPC

Review detail


3.0 stars, 5 stars in writing quality and stability of updates but it doesn't deserve anything above a 1 star in story development or character design. 3 stars in world background because the author didn't do a bad job at that. It's not about the character being a wimp, I'm sure the author has some juicy character development in mind for later and I'm willing to wait for that, but just the sheer irrationality of his fears and decisions and how they're still made to look logical.

Overlord: Reborn as an NPC


Liked by 2 people




Just asking, how many chapters did you read up till making this review?


As I see it, it is an authors job to hook the reader's interest and make an enjoyable story. When it comes to the first eleven chapters, you did poorly. The most important part of a story is its protagonist, and you portrayed him as a spineless idiot. That is not necessarily a problem alone if you plan on making their personality change over time(or even if it stays the same); The issue is that you made a spineless idiot that is BORING. He's a literal walking stereotype; A suave and mysterious plague doctor wizard AND has a flawed personality. I can only imagine you tried to write an protagonist who would later become better as the story progressed, but it felt incredibly forced. It also made him look wimpy and stupid, and nobody enjoys reading a book that follows such a character if there are no interesting bells or whistles. I would like to cite Greed from the novel Overgeared on this. Despite Greed being cowardly, greedy and stupid at times he still was interesting to read about. Greed would constantly get into funny dialogues/situations with others over the price of a sword or some mild misunderstanding gone awry. NONE of the such occurs here. No unique dialogue(you literally had multiple chances to do so, but only teased the reader then copy pasted the original dialogue like the argument between Mare and Shalltear), no good jokes, no cool moments, no arguments. I suggest you read the novel at some point, as its a good example of how to make the story with a flawed character interesting. Its very difficult to make a character grow from a zero to a hero in a believable and enjoyable manner. Thats why most authors just steer clear of it. I suggest unless you master the art of dialogue and exposition, you don't write such a character type.

Delusion10:Just asking, how many chapters did you read up till making this review?