
Review Detail of easyread in Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Review detail


As a fellow Author of Star Wars fanfictions, I can understand the plights of particularly nasty readers. While I've only read a few chapters, I can say with certainty that it's a decent story. However, you've made one critical mistake, ArifuretaForever. You've made a fanfiction in the Skywalker Era! The two fanfictions of Star Wars I've written are nowhere close to the Skywalker Saga/Era. The reason is that it's a hot garbage convoluted mess. The only person I've seen do a reincarnation fanfic successfully of this Era is A New Player In The Force, Created by USSExplorer. While my rating may be a little low for this story, it's only because it seems rushed. And a misconception about writing in the Star Wars Universe is making leaps in time and power with your main character. Character power improvement is important, but the journey to that power is where the story lies. What I've seen so far in the beginning is very lack luster in what I'd call progressive story telling. The beginning of any story is its foundation. After all, Star Wars has always been and will always be. A story told a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Take your time with it. If you can apply that realization to your Star Wars fanfiction, you'll find everything you're missing.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun


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