
Review Detail of coffeexe in Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

Review detail


Dammit, I love this novel. This was Awespec's first novel, and was it bad. At least, the first hundred chapters, or so. However, now? Peak. Goddamn peak. This novel is slowly coming to an end, with I would say maybe 500 more chapters at the maximum, probably something like Sword God in a World of Magic. I, again, need to reiterate that I really, really like this novel. Dyon is arrogance incarnate. His wives, his daughter, family in general and his past lives are written so well, it's insane. I really, really hope that the author does follow up on that vague que that he might explore the other planar worlds in the future. If he doesn't, then I will be pissed. There's still so much potential here, waiting to be unlocked. Please, Awespec, if you're somehow seeing this, I beg you to continue this novel in the future.

Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God


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