
Review Detail of NO_GUD in Mushoku Impact

Review detail


As of chapter 42, I can say this fanfic is pretty good and the idea of it is 'unique' in a sense as I don't think I've seen a similar concept/crossover like this before. The MC so far is likeable and growing at a amazing pace when compared to the average person of the Mushoku world while the cast of the other characters are quite alive and aren't flat as a board. Although when compared to the Genshin world, he's definitely still lacking but he will shine eventually. There's a decent amount of worldbuilding and the main places he goes to is his estate and the school he's attending for his childhood but that's about to change considering the latest chapter. My only concern as of right now would be is that the cast of characters have gotten so big this early on that I'm afraid some of them are going to be forgotten mostly but considering the author's skill, I pray this doesn't happen. Overall, a 5/5 fanfic if you like Mushoku or Genshin.

Mushoku Impact


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