
Review Detail of RaiyAkumu in The Last Twila

Review detail


Yes, I am rating my own story, although I am being honest. Chapters 1-6 were experiments, I wanted to really get outside my comfort zone so I can see how I can write this story in a more creative and personal style. From what I see from reviews and comments, is that my grammar needs fixing, and when it comes down to the current plot, I need to be a little more direct with details, and not beat around the bush. I also need to NOT confuse the reader (like I did in chapter 4 although I was testing out how to make the MC and the reader feel the same) another thing someone pointed out to me is that my chapters start and end sometimes very repetitive and in a very predictable manner. In chapter 7 I am going to start writing the story without pushing myself into the unknown, if You have read my story up to chapter 6 and like it or even disapproved it, please try out try to continue in the story a little further, because the story is going to get better in chapters 7 and on. (3.4 star rating, I can still improve a lot)

The Last Twila


Liked by 3 people




Hello, I appreciate the offer, I really do, but I am inclined to refuse your proposal. I mean I would like the extra help, and wouldn't mind helping you, but I am not an adult, nor am I a fan of adult content itself. I know I am new to writing on webnovel, but I feel no current necessity to retrieve help right now. If I ever feel like my writing starts to degrade over time, I will seek you out if you so desire. Thanks for the offer again, and I am genuinely sorry that I couldn't agree to collaborate with you. I hope your writing goes well, and if you read my story I hope it was fitting in any way to your tastes. Have a good day and I hope to see you around.

LuoFeng915:hii looks like your new to the writing and as I'm too , I'm very at using english grammar . so how about collaboration ? help me in correcting grammar and In return I will help you in anything your lacking . oh and I'm adult content writer , if you don't like to collaborate . it's ok no problem . but if like to give it a try , then I will be waiting for your reply .

hii looks like your new to the writing and as I'm too , I'm very at using english grammar . so how about collaboration ? help me in correcting grammar and In return I will help you in anything your lacking . oh and I'm adult content writer , if you don't like to collaborate . it's ok no problem . but if like to give it a try , then I will be waiting for your reply .


(I'm very bad at using english )


No problem , no problem everyone had there own opinion on doing things , thanks for your response ......

RaiyAkumu:Hello, I appreciate the offer, I really do, but I am inclined to refuse your proposal. I mean I would like the extra help, and wouldn't mind helping you, but I am not an adult, nor am I a fan of adult content itself. I know I am new to writing on webnovel, but I feel no current necessity to retrieve help right now. If I ever feel like my writing starts to degrade over time, I will seek you out if you so desire. Thanks for the offer again, and I am genuinely sorry that I couldn't agree to collaborate with you. I hope your writing goes well, and if you read my story I hope it was fitting in any way to your tastes. Have a good day and I hope to see you around.