
Review Detail of noel_streef in My Kingdom Fall

Review detail


What a wonderful story you have here. I love the plot and all the twists and turns and all the different connections. The characters work so well together and I love the different atmosphere's you have with the different points in the story. The fight scenes are definitely my favorite because I love the way they struggle to win and sometimes the odds are against them and then they will be saved. It is a shame when a character dies but I think it is reasonable for the story so that it can progress. I do wish that we can see more background. I've noticed things that you talked about but didn't cover in detail. Maybe I'm just jumping the gun a bit. You always close the loop holes in the story and make it comprehensible for the readers. You also have very interesting characters and power scales. I can't wait til those develop deeper for the story.

My Kingdom Fall


Liked by 8 people




Thank you so much for your kind words. I have plans regarding the stuff I have mentioned. Don't worry I will not forget about anything and I will not leave any holes in the plot. ;)