
Review Detail of aert_sryb in Shadow Slave

Review detail


Disclaimer: I see a lot of disparaging comments about how the MC isn't cold and calculating and instead is a simp. If you're looking for some self insert virgin wet dream like a lot of edgy pre-teens on this site are, go somewhere else. Enough with the rant and on with the review Writing Quality: 4/5, fights are well detailed, and setting descriptions are gripping and easy to imagine leaving you totally immersed in the story. It's not perfect but is nearly there. Stability of Updates: 3/5, Author does a very good job of putting chapters down every day but I noticed some chapters were pretty short. Story Development: 5/5, Story development is good, there's direction, motives, mystery, and it flows pretty naturally. Character Design: 5/5, Characters feel entirely human, and while you may not see it from my viewpoint imagine how people would behave in their situation. I could see myself acting like that which imo makes me even more immersed. World background 10/5 Incredible, an original world which is totally unpredictable. Ridiculously crazy monsters that leave you feeling awed and curious. The idea of the flaw and aspect is perfect, and is immaculately written. Mysterious setting which makes you hungry to find out more. Overall I give it a 10/10, that's my personal opinion though read it yourself and find out!

Shadow Slave


Liked by 5 people




Thank you :]


we don't want self insert whatever that means. we ant the character we were alluded at first. not whatever we have now.