
Review Detail of Vanaxity in Shadow Slave

Review detail


Shadow Slave is a story about Sunny, a orphan who lives in the slums and forced to struggle to survive. He suddenly was infected by the Spell, and forced to survive a dangerous nightmare, otherwise he will turn into a monster. Honestly, a solid novel. This novel has vibes kinda like a mix of dark souls and diablo, leaning more towards diablo. It's fairly decent, and some parts of it are on par with some actual published novels, but it has some problems. Writing quality is pretty good. Far better than most on this site. Very few grammatical errors if any, and word choice is relatively creative. (5/5 stars) Story development is fairly decent as well. Personally, I don't enjoy novels where the author writes about the main character in the "future", then proceeds to write from where they previously left off to where the main character currently is. First arc is pretty good, kept you hooked and interesting, second arc got rather boring, but I think thats more of an issue with the characters. (4/5 stars) Honestly, character design is what brings this novel down in my opinion. Specifically, the main character. It is extremely hard to root for the main character at all, theres not a single quality of his that gives hype to his character. It's not a horrible character, compared to some other novels on this website, but you really can't bring yourself to like him. Character development might as well be non-existent, because I've read to chapter 180+ and not much has changed. His character is rather inconsistent as well. It feels rather weird to me for a character so deeply rooted in deceit and lies, is he is relatively trusting, which is weird. You would think someone who lived in the slums for eighteen years would naturally be distrustful. Even to some of the people that might as well just scream "I'm evil". Aside from that, as stated previously, main character has no admirable qualities. He is cowardly, lacks any conviction, a hypocrite, incredibly childish and immature, etc. Not a whole lot has changed since the start of the novel, most of the character development seems rather superficial to me. Furthermore, his lack of caution that CONSTANTLY re-appears after he just becomes cautious is annoying. Like I stated previously, this isn't very fitting for someone who lived in the slums, and someone who literally has to venture in a world where anything and everything could kill you. (3/5 stars) As for the world background, it's amazing. It manages to keep the grim-dark vibe for pretty much the entire story. This world is believable and realistic. (5/5 stars) Overall, a very solid story, with the main character bringing it down a notch. I would highly recommend this novel. I give this novel 4.4 stars out of 5.

Shadow Slave


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Man I feel the same, I can't keep reading with this MC after chapter 156. Literally unbearable


Thank you for your opinion :)


i feel the same . . it's a gem in a trash can. afyer searching for so long i finally found this novel and reading your review here , i really feel happy at least their are people who understand the difference between good and bad novel ...