
Review Detail of shadowstriker102 in Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game

Review detail


MC is brain dead. he finds out zombies can train his skills but doesn't do it. later on MC finds out zombies can train his skills (what a surprise) and only trains one skill. MC finds out zombies can craft for him which means he doesn't waste energy and proceeds to craft stuff himself. finds out they have been robbed and decides to not do anything as if they wont Rob them again. then decides to attack them then decides to wait to attack them and gets attacked while waiting. also the world is quite weird as the author decided to mix gaming, second world, and other stuff into it

Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game

Empire Black Knight

Liked by 48 people




also the skills are poorly described as the zombies DON'T seem to have MC skills and his hp boost doesn't activate cos the zombie already have a 300% boost which is kinda bs. MC gains skills that increase stats which means that the zombies should have 50% of that plus the skills that boasted MC stats to boost their own which doesn't happen. this implies that the zombies don't gain Mc stats but we do see them using MC skills which ruins the contiunity


also through out the novel MC is called God, not leader, master, or even his name but just straight up God...


i read to chapter 40 and all of what you said isnt true, he has all of the zombies work on multiple skills and crafting, he doesnt attack at first because he isnt a murder hobo and attacks when he realizes theyre going to keep coming back, honestly seems like you just wanted to bash the novel but couldnt come up with actual complaints


first time he discovers it he doesn't then acts as if the second time he discovers is is the first time...

PeerlessFatty:i read to chapter 40 and all of what you said isnt true, he has all of the zombies work on multiple skills and crafting, he doesnt attack at first because he isnt a murder hobo and attacks when he realizes theyre going to keep coming back, honestly seems like you just wanted to bash the novel but couldnt come up with actual complaints

also robbers with weapons who loot you and you let them... do you think they wont do it again when you easily allow them to??? also when he attacked them was when they were planning their second strike not their first

PeerlessFatty:i read to chapter 40 and all of what you said isnt true, he has all of the zombies work on multiple skills and crafting, he doesnt attack at first because he isnt a murder hobo and attacks when he realizes theyre going to keep coming back, honestly seems like you just wanted to bash the novel but couldnt come up with actual complaints

honestly it looks like you like this trash but couldn't think of anything honest to retort with

PeerlessFatty:i read to chapter 40 and all of what you said isnt true, he has all of the zombies work on multiple skills and crafting, he doesnt attack at first because he isnt a murder hobo and attacks when he realizes theyre going to keep coming back, honestly seems like you just wanted to bash the novel but couldnt come up with actual complaints

everything i said was honest, stay mad + cry about it

shadowstriker102:honestly it looks like you like this trash but couldn't think of anything honest to retort with

yes the insults when you know I'm right. enjoy being wrong lol

PeerlessFatty:everything i said was honest, stay mad + cry about it

stay mad + cry about it lol

PeerlessFatty:everything i said was honest, stay mad + cry about it

i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

shadowstriker102:yes the insults when you know I'm right. enjoy being wrong lol

ah my bad, it seems you only lied about 2 things, and i misunderstood, you were actually saying that his zombies being able to craft things is a bad thing for whatever reason, you werent saying he didnt make use of it, thats still silly in my opinion but not something i would call someone out on, everyones entitled to their personal opinion, which is different from flatout lying like you did with the others, which i still wouldve called you out on

PeerlessFatty:i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

I don't think you've read my review at all. the mc finding out his zombies can upgrade his skills happens twice which is bs cos he already knew about it the first time. also the other skills he trains them one at a time first instead of doing multiple times like he does LATER on. YOU havent really replied to THIS. youve just denied everything I said then say I didn't say anything which I could say about you...

PeerlessFatty:i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

also theres no difference between multiple short MSG's and one giant msg...

PeerlessFatty:i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

and attacking Thier base was just that. attacking their base which just reduced it's hp and did nothing truly substantial to them. what was their roles again? oh yes robbers who steal... if they can find MC base what's to say they can't find other bases especially when the mc group weren't even their first target as far as I can tell

PeerlessFatty:i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

also reading multiple short comments aren't that different from reading one giant comment but then again you'll probs just read this one and insult me again without saying anything substantial to sound smart and right like you've done this time and before without reading my comment....

PeerlessFatty:i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

also the fact that you say that I don't say anything when your retort was "I'm right stay mad" and have the audacity to say I don't say anything relavent...

PeerlessFatty:i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

is this you replying to me? I wonder who is really just ranting without subtance

PeerlessFatty:i mean i dont know what you want from me, you wrote 5 different messages to me, 2 of which were you trying to be cute and saying close to the same thing back to me that i wrote to you, and none of which refuted what i said, you lied about him not making proper use of his zombies with the skills and crafting things. You over exaggerated how he handled the robbers, to be clear, the people he was staying with were attacked while he was away, he came back, found out they were robbed, hesitated on fighting the robbers because his zombies had mainly been picking off other zombies until that point, and then decided that they would come back for more and did indeed go through with attacking their base of operations with his zombies. i can only assume you just wanted to maliciously lie in your review for some reason, or you immediately dropped the novel when you saw him initially hesitate at which point that could explain you thinking he didnt take advantage of the skills/crafting because that comes afterwards, or i guess you massively skimmed through chapters, no clue really. im mainly just calling you out so others know your review just isnt true theres not much to respond to you with, youre just ranting without any meaning or substance, even this comment that i just wrote is just a more detailed version of me calling you a liar (which you are) since youre implying im still wrong, ngl i probably wont respond again unless you say something relevant but you probably wont, then again you might not be able to read a comment this long it doesnt seem like its your strong suit

unfortunately lots of logic isn't explained at all. I mean world logic, it is briefly skimmed over, lots of details could have made the world building better, but oh well.

PeerlessFatty:i read to chapter 40 and all of what you said isnt true, he has all of the zombies work on multiple skills and crafting, he doesnt attack at first because he isnt a murder hobo and attacks when he realizes theyre going to keep coming back, honestly seems like you just wanted to bash the novel but couldnt come up with actual complaints

How did he easily allow them to rob him? He wasn’t there when it happened. It was his teammates that got tricked and he didn’t know that the Prisoner Snake or Dawn gaming company were in the area until the group kept the supplies that his teammate was trying to trade. Also, he never allowed them to successfully attack him or his group again. He let them attack as they could only fruitlessly struggle with no gain, and then died after. It would have been a waste of time to chase them. Period.

shadowstriker102:also robbers with weapons who loot you and you let them... do you think they wont do it again when you easily allow them to??? also when he attacked them was when they were planning their second strike not their first


PeerlessFatty:everything i said was honest, stay mad + cry about it