
Review Detail of DaoistVHeuWf in An Artificer in Tales of Demons and Gods ( HIATUS )

Review detail


the story is good, it would be better if the author hadn't dragged the story out so much, it takes about 17 chapters for the mc to transmigrate to the main world, which would be acceptable if the chapters had any use for the story, we have 3 whole chapters of it choosing your spells, something completely unnecessary. Seriously, the author thought it would be a great thing to have 3 entire chapters describing the possible skills that the mc could choose and only in the third part to show what the mc's choices are, everything could be summarized in a few chapters just showing which skills he could choose and showing the description of the skills he chose. There is nothing to say about the grammar, it is ok. the character development is good, it would be laughable if MC's development was shallow with so many chapters stretched out, showing his sarcastic and acid personality, but this doesn't justify the amount of chapters used for development, 27 chapters, but the story really starts to from chapter 7, with the transmigration only happening in the chapter 18. I would really like to enjoy the story, but if things continue like this he will only arrive in the city of Glória in the middle of chapter 50 and if he intends to follow the plot, in the ruins where nie li acquires the first page of the space book- time in chapter 100.

An Artificer in Tales of Demons and Gods ( HIATUS )


Liked by 2 people




this is a amazing review and I would say thankyou for showing me what i need to improve on as a writer. I will try to make future chapters and arcs more dynamic and fast paced.


I'm grateful to be able to help, the premise of the book is great, the characters are interesting, what really bothered me was how much the information was stretched out, this book could easily reach 4.9 stars if it were more dynamic. I'm glad I could help with your writing skills and that you didn't respond with the classic, "Uh. Your ideas are great! Why don't you write your own story with your own ideas?"

Adamo_Amet:this is a amazing review and I would say thankyou for showing me what i need to improve on as a writer. I will try to make future chapters and arcs more dynamic and fast paced.

I would have said that if you started ranting about like the mc should have been a human instead of a vampire, he shouldn't get the artificer class etc, this plot point should be removed because at that point as an author I would think you just want me to write a story you want and such a review isn't helpful since it doesn't help me see the flaws, weakness in my story but no, you gave an amazing review that let me see what i can improve on, pacing.

DaoistVHeuWf:I'm grateful to be able to help, the premise of the book is great, the characters are interesting, what really bothered me was how much the information was stretched out, this book could easily reach 4.9 stars if it were more dynamic. I'm glad I could help with your writing skills and that you didn't respond with the classic, "Uh. Your ideas are great! Why don't you write your own story with your own ideas?"

How large will the harem be ?

Adamo_Amet:this is a amazing review and I would say thankyou for showing me what i need to improve on as a writer. I will try to make future chapters and arcs more dynamic and fast paced.

It will be big I guess

Romance_guy:How large will the harem be ?


Adamo_Amet:It will be big I guess

Or not, I don't know yet, I just haven't thought about the romance route for the story. for now, I just have planned out a romance arc with one girl, the number of girls may or may not increase in the future. it may even be just a two or 3 person harem, who knows which I personally think is big


It's good to have 2-3 because it's not much to write romance . If it's me who has not a date/love experience it will be a nightmare so good luck 👍