For the first time, the Ancient gods appear in the story "The Punishing Fate over Sarnath", where Lovecraft first calls the deities "Ancient Gods" (Eng. Old Gods), and then "Elder Gods" (English Elder Gods). In subsequent works: "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Horror of Dunwich", "The Whisperer in the Dark", "The Ridges of Madness" and "The Shadow over Innsmouth" — Lovecraft uses the name "The Ancients" (Eng. Old Ones) and "Great Old Ones" (Eng. Great Old Ones). In the stories "The Last Experience" and "Buried with the Pharaohs" Lovecraft uses the name "Ancient Gods". In Lovecraft's work, the "Elder Gods" are opposed to both the "Great Ancients" and the "Outer Gods". Smith often referred to Lovecraft's Ancient gods along with his "Outer Gods", ruled by Azathoth, the "blind idiot God" who occupies a position in the center of infinity.
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