.......It follows the cannon then his own story startss at chapter 52 its like he is insert sakura twin brother then blah blah its his own story now its kinda good and u need patience cuz its slow and follow the canon first kgxjfzkgsgkxhlxhlxhlchlxlhdhlchlclhfljcluxlhchxlhclucjlclhcpucj ursoyxoyxohohlhcogyx ogcoyxotdykdkdhoydoydoy oycohcoyxoydoyx($*/(9,('(-9(/9(/9('9:/9 ogxgkxtisodhoch phchxoystsogkxfgsifigxog ifzigzoydoyohpyxyoxpuddhocogdhpoyhlx phcofoyuhfpyxoyxgoohhohxoyxyooyxpucupxpuxpyxpuxpjfyoxoyxoychp pyxoyxoydyodoyxxyogogxpufpudpydoy pufjpufyfpucjpcpucpupufpufupfupffpgycpclyyxppucpycpucpuc
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