
Review Detail of lmpossible in Avatar: Awakened Gamer

Review detail


Read up to chapter 23 and it's pretty good, just not the type of novel for me. At chapter 23 I can see that this fic is just going to dissolve into a crack fic. He gets Lu Bu's spear which ups his strength by 50 and agility by 30, which is extremely overpowered as I don't believe he had a single stat much higher than 50, effectively doubling his already questionable strength He also receives a random egg that just doesn't really fit into the avatar world succinctly, just a crack element. Also, he unlocked the gacha option in the system which, again, is entirely unnecessary and contributes nothing to the flow of the story. Sokka is already stronger than most at this point in the fic, as demonstrated by beating 100 men including trained earthbenders easily :|


Avatar: Awakened Gamer


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