
Review Detail of Alex_Torkamani_8311 in Deus: We are all Lords

Review detail


The story and the system of leveling up for the MC is very intressting and something new for me at least. But there is no real challenge, I think that if the author made some changes and refined the system to restrict the MC a little, it would have been a top notch novel to read. Another kind of complaint is that, character descriptions are very vague, I literally have no idea how the MC looks like and I have read the whole thing (chapter 121 as of now). Also the Kingdom building side of it, there was kind of none, the MC in my opinion didn't so anything, it just suddenly happened so kind of boring. Lastly the math doesn't math here. How the hell is 50 million people supposed to live in 3000 hectars of land!!?? Like the only possible way I see is if they had skyscrapers. Do basically, had so much potential, but I think that the author just writes it for fun so I don't expect much. Would recommend if you just want to read something without using your brain. Just put your brain somewhere else and read it.

Deus: We are all Lords


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Something I forgot to mention that I like the fact that he at least helps the other users. Usually, in those situations, if you have too much, you tend to also help others not just to be kind, but because your own growth will be much faster with companions or vassals. Would love to see the governors do more. So big props there.