
Review Detail of Soda_T in One Piece: Like father like son!

Review detail


This fanfic is definitely one of the best One Piece fanfics in terms of writing quality, so far. The interactions are well done, the crew is interesting and even the guys who seem like cannon fodders get some attention (sorry Penguin and Sachi-kun lol). Keep in mind that the mc is gonna become OP fast, that was made very clear from the first few chaps since he can synchronize with his father at a rate of 5% each year, and there are missions to speed that, so it's only a matter of time before he becomes one of the strongest if not the strongest. However, he still has challenges. After all no matter how strong, he is just one man. The romance was lacking but it is getting better in the latest chapters.

One Piece: Like father like son!


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