
Review Detail of AdityaRaj100 in Legendary Armament Canon

Review detail


I won't be commenting on the writing quality and updating stability(since it is a trial read book). But honestly story, the character and world background are stiff and seem forced. The biggest problem is the Main Character. It may seem right to have trump cards and not show your full strength, but he seems masochistic to me. Like someone weaker than him is coming to kill him, and no official is coming to help him (since he made it seem like he is trash, because low profile😑) and he's like I might as well die. Overly dependent on others and has slave mentality. He gained the strength to be stronger than most of the ranked martial artist, but still thinks that he has to fulfill the 'slave' contract, even after he becomes a Superintendent, he is depending upon Sun Gongping who is weaker than him. He keeps hiding that he has learnt some martial arts.What is wrong with having cultivation? He can just not show his techniques and still enjoy the benefits of high ranking martial artists. Do you think a forger that wields a hammer everyday to forge blade will have a weak body? The basic prerequisites of being a blacksmith or a forger is having good stamina and strength, so they should obviously be stronger than low ranking soldiers. But no, the MC wants to hide it 'enjoy' being a slave labourer who can be killed anytime any higher up desires to do so. I gave only 1 star on that because if i gave any more than that overall rating would have crossed 2 stars.

Legendary Armament Canon

Lays Chips

Liked by 26 people




And lastly what do want? Which part of the review are you getting offended on the 1.5 star rating or anything else?

Saad_Yousuf:Read Reverend insanity and true Martial world.Already trying the legendary mechanic comic. Don't have time to read commanding the wind It's sounds cringe.

The last sentence simply means the story doesn't even deserve 2 stars, it was an interesting concept that was ruined with a bad story.


do fools also read novel this days.


If anyone likes this novel, they can do so. Maybe it is a good novel, just not my type. Nobody is judging if you like it or not. Those who are doing that are "Nobodies".


You serious out here? Everyone has there own view about a novel. Some people like this, I don't. I prefer more straightforward MCs like the one in I Cultivate Passively or It's Lonely to be Invincible. Smart and Methodical MCs like the one in Thriller Paradise or Legendary Mechanic are also great. I have read countless novels like this one so it just seemed cliche to me, like the moments of face slapping, misunderstandings and all that. I tried to take a non-aggressive approach for this review and even then I attract hate from someone. If you still don't get this, then you really need some help

Saad_Yousuf:do fools also read novel this days.

Ohh God you Indians really are a bunch of fools the reason why I said that is because your above stated words about The "Mc being a willing slave" is completely unreasonable.You are one of those type of guys who likes to skip plenty of info's in a novel.See there is a whole different story between this novels Mc and I cultivate passively.I do think that I cultivate passively is way better.But the reasons you gave for hating this novel is stupid The Mc in this novel is not being a willing slave for unknown or stupid reasons first the forging division is too powerful for mc to handle even if he kills the superintendent of his division he would be squashed to death against a 4th,5th or probably 3rd rank powerhouse.You can also see that the forging division is supported by the empire so crazily killing people is a big no-no.Secondly the forging division is a platform where he could sell the weapons legally.Thirdly he doesn't have to do things that goes against his principals.Fourthly he doesn't have to go rogue.Fifthly he will be protected by the empire and I Will not explain anymore.You are just dumbly stating facts that you don't get.Try this novel it's not bad either.I know how it feels to crush a good idea with a bad writing skills.I have read "the Martial arts system"myself but I can tell that this book is very good.Dont just stupidly state facts and rate a good novel 1.5 star this deserves 4 star in my point of view.

AdityaRaj100:You serious out here? Everyone has there own view about a novel. Some people like this, I don't. I prefer more straightforward MCs like the one in I Cultivate Passively or It's Lonely to be Invincible. Smart and Methodical MCs like the one in Thriller Paradise or Legendary Mechanic are also great. I have read countless novels like this one so it just seemed cliche to me, like the moments of face slapping, misunderstandings and all that. I tried to take a non-aggressive approach for this review and even then I attract hate from someone. If you still don't get this, then you really need some help

Ohh God you Indians really are a bunch of fools the reason why I said that is because your above stated words about The "Mc being a willing slave" is completely unreasonable.You are one of those type of guys who likes to skip plenty of info's in a novel.See there is a whole different story between this novels Mc and I cultivate passively.I do think that I cultivate passively is way better.But the reasons you gave for hating this novel is stupid The Mc in this novel is not being a willing slave for unknown or stupid reasons first the forging division is too powerful for mc to handle even if he kills the superintendent of his division he would be squashed to death against a 4th,5th or probably 3rd rank powerhouse.You can also see that the forging division is supported by the empire so crazily killing people is a big no-no.Secondly the forging division is a platform where he could sell the weapons legally.Thirdly he doesn't have to do things that goes against his principals.Fourthly he doesn't have to go rogue.Fifthly he will be protected by the empire and I Will not explain anymore.You are just dumbly stating facts that you don't get.Try this novel it's not bad either.I know how it feels to crush a good idea with a bad writing skills.I have read "the Martial arts system"myself but I can tell that this book is very good.Dont just stupidly state facts and rate a good novel 1.5 star this deserves 4 star in my point of view.

AdityaRaj100:You serious out here? Everyone has there own view about a novel. Some people like this, I don't. I prefer more straightforward MCs like the one in I Cultivate Passively or It's Lonely to be Invincible. Smart and Methodical MCs like the one in Thriller Paradise or Legendary Mechanic are also great. I have read countless novels like this one so it just seemed cliche to me, like the moments of face slapping, misunderstandings and all that. I tried to take a non-aggressive approach for this review and even then I attract hate from someone. If you still don't get this, then you really need some help

He is dependent on Sun Gongping because he thinks he has great status and connection so you are wrong being strong doesn't always mean everything unless you are the strongest in the novice village.


You blame me for skipping info and you didn't even read my reply completely. I just wanted to make my point clear, if you like it, then feel free to do so. The whole purpose of a novel is entertainment if it's not doing that for me, then I'd rather not read it. I understand that as a 15 year old you have seen a happy life full of flowers and stuff. The things that you are currently doing on the internet is what we call being toxic. I just want to give you a wake-up call. Few things to consider while writing something on the internet: 1) Don't argue on someone's nationality, caste, creed or religion. 2) Don't say words that may hurt someone's feelings. 3)Try to see from opposite person's perspective too. As far as I understand after seeing the comments you made on other novels, no one has told this to you. You say I am stating facts, I agree I am doing that. It is a fact that it is not possible for someone who is a blacksmith or forger to be weak, read "Commanding Wind and Cloud" for once and you will get that. It is a fact that he could have gained more benefits if he showed that he has high physical prowess from the start, reason being blacksmithing. If one see that a novel has many reviews he reads most of them, he understands all of its shortcomings too then only people start reading it. I understand that you want to "protect" this novel and don't like it when you see a bad review on it. But a good novel doesn't need your protection, a good novel will not be buried even if there are thousands of haters. If you treat this novel as something that is good,then stop, your acts currently are doing the opposite effect.

Saad_Yousuf:Ohh God you Indians really are a bunch of fools the reason why I said that is because your above stated words about The "Mc being a willing slave" is completely unreasonable.You are one of those type of guys who likes to skip plenty of info's in a novel.See there is a whole different story between this novels Mc and I cultivate passively.I do think that I cultivate passively is way better.But the reasons you gave for hating this novel is stupid The Mc in this novel is not being a willing slave for unknown or stupid reasons first the forging division is too powerful for mc to handle even if he kills the superintendent of his division he would be squashed to death against a 4th,5th or probably 3rd rank powerhouse.You can also see that the forging division is supported by the empire so crazily killing people is a big no-no.Secondly the forging division is a platform where he could sell the weapons legally.Thirdly he doesn't have to do things that goes against his principals.Fourthly he doesn't have to go rogue.Fifthly he will be protected by the empire and I Will not explain anymore.You are just dumbly stating facts that you don't get.Try this novel it's not bad either.I know how it feels to crush a good idea with a bad writing skills.I have read "the Martial arts system"myself but I can tell that this book is very good.Dont just stupidly state facts and rate a good novel 1.5 star this deserves 4 star in my point of view.

Try reading the completed novels on this site and you'll understand what I mean, you have read only the new novels that don't bother about world-building that much. I just feel that the ideas from this novel were leaning a little too much towards faceslapping as in "The Library of Heaven's Path" . Read the completed novels and you will understand the how much the standard of novels has fallen as compared to the old ones. And lastly don't bother replying if you think it's annoying. The very act of replying is doing the opposite. Go to school and study properly instead of debating here, it would be a better time investment.

Saad_Yousuf:He is dependent on Sun Gongping because he thinks he has great status and connection so you are wrong being strong doesn't always mean everything unless you are the strongest in the novice village.

I never said anything about "Martial Arts System". Neither did I say anything about crazily killing people, nor did I say anything about killing the Superintendent. Starting a revolt or something would be much better or leaving and opening own shop somewhere else is a good idea too. You have not read the other novels I presume, being the only reason you don't understand these points.

Saad_Yousuf:Ohh God you Indians really are a bunch of fools the reason why I said that is because your above stated words about The "Mc being a willing slave" is completely unreasonable.You are one of those type of guys who likes to skip plenty of info's in a novel.See there is a whole different story between this novels Mc and I cultivate passively.I do think that I cultivate passively is way better.But the reasons you gave for hating this novel is stupid The Mc in this novel is not being a willing slave for unknown or stupid reasons first the forging division is too powerful for mc to handle even if he kills the superintendent of his division he would be squashed to death against a 4th,5th or probably 3rd rank powerhouse.You can also see that the forging division is supported by the empire so crazily killing people is a big no-no.Secondly the forging division is a platform where he could sell the weapons legally.Thirdly he doesn't have to do things that goes against his principals.Fourthly he doesn't have to go rogue.Fifthly he will be protected by the empire and I Will not explain anymore.You are just dumbly stating facts that you don't get.Try this novel it's not bad either.I know how it feels to crush a good idea with a bad writing skills.I have read "the Martial arts system"myself but I can tell that this book is very good.Dont just stupidly state facts and rate a good novel 1.5 star this deserves 4 star in my point of view.

Bad writing skills? I know that the grammar seems good and there are no understanding issues. But this is a "TRANSLATION", if you don't understand this word, it means this novel was not originally written in English just like many others on this site, it was first machine translated and the machine translation was edited a few times by someone who understand both the languages, English and the one it was originally written in. If you want to talk about writing skills than it would be better if you go and rant on the Writing Prompt Contest.

Saad_Yousuf:Ohh God you Indians really are a bunch of fools the reason why I said that is because your above stated words about The "Mc being a willing slave" is completely unreasonable.You are one of those type of guys who likes to skip plenty of info's in a novel.See there is a whole different story between this novels Mc and I cultivate passively.I do think that I cultivate passively is way better.But the reasons you gave for hating this novel is stupid The Mc in this novel is not being a willing slave for unknown or stupid reasons first the forging division is too powerful for mc to handle even if he kills the superintendent of his division he would be squashed to death against a 4th,5th or probably 3rd rank powerhouse.You can also see that the forging division is supported by the empire so crazily killing people is a big no-no.Secondly the forging division is a platform where he could sell the weapons legally.Thirdly he doesn't have to do things that goes against his principals.Fourthly he doesn't have to go rogue.Fifthly he will be protected by the empire and I Will not explain anymore.You are just dumbly stating facts that you don't get.Try this novel it's not bad either.I know how it feels to crush a good idea with a bad writing skills.I have read "the Martial arts system"myself but I can tell that this book is very good.Dont just stupidly state facts and rate a good novel 1.5 star this deserves 4 star in my point of view.

I said it before I will say it again your points were completely illogical that's why I debated with you.Plenty of people have it bad reviews but I thought your reasons were completely illogical that's why I called you foolish.

AdityaRaj100:You serious out here? Everyone has there own view about a novel. Some people like this, I don't. I prefer more straightforward MCs like the one in I Cultivate Passively or It's Lonely to be Invincible. Smart and Methodical MCs like the one in Thriller Paradise or Legendary Mechanic are also great. I have read countless novels like this one so it just seemed cliche to me, like the moments of face slapping, misunderstandings and all that. I tried to take a non-aggressive approach for this review and even then I attract hate from someone. If you still don't get this, then you really need some help

So him being weak is logical when he his families 3 generations have been doing this since birth? A blacksmith cannot be as weak as they have portrayed it to be.

Saad_Yousuf:I said it before I will say it again your points were completely illogical that's why I debated with you.Plenty of people have it bad reviews but I thought your reasons were completely illogical that's why I called you foolish.

Yeah Mr. moral good work.If you go vegan maybe you could join the vegan teacher.I merely thought your comments were foolish that's why I commented and now I got taught of morals and principles by you I ain't doing that a gain Mr. moral teacher.

AdityaRaj100:You blame me for skipping info and you didn't even read my reply completely. I just wanted to make my point clear, if you like it, then feel free to do so. The whole purpose of a novel is entertainment if it's not doing that for me, then I'd rather not read it. I understand that as a 15 year old you have seen a happy life full of flowers and stuff. The things that you are currently doing on the internet is what we call being toxic. I just want to give you a wake-up call. Few things to consider while writing something on the internet: 1) Don't argue on someone's nationality, caste, creed or religion. 2) Don't say words that may hurt someone's feelings. 3)Try to see from opposite person's perspective too. As far as I understand after seeing the comments you made on other novels, no one has told this to you. You say I am stating facts, I agree I am doing that. It is a fact that it is not possible for someone who is a blacksmith or forger to be weak, read "Commanding Wind and Cloud" for once and you will get that. It is a fact that he could have gained more benefits if he showed that he has high physical prowess from the start, reason being blacksmithing. If one see that a novel has many reviews he reads most of them, he understands all of its shortcomings too then only people start reading it. I understand that you want to "protect" this novel and don't like it when you see a bad review on it. But a good novel doesn't need your protection, a good novel will not be buried even if there are thousands of haters. If you treat this novel as something that is good,then stop, your acts currently are doing the opposite effect.

What is your problem? These are basic internet things that everyone knows. And you really need an English teacher. Stop reading stuff from MTL, your brain is deteriorating if you can't understand that I was being polite in this scenario considering the fact that you are just a kid who didn't know these things.

Saad_Yousuf:Yeah Mr. moral good work.If you go vegan maybe you could join the vegan teacher.I merely thought your comments were foolish that's why I commented and now I got taught of morals and principles by you I ain't doing that a gain Mr. moral teacher.

First of all do you even understand English I just said from my perception that novel is trash.Do you get it.And for the second time as I stated use some brain when you are reading novels if a 15 years old can understand that than a man in his 20s should be The Mc didn't open his own shop so that he can sell to the army legally by staying in the forging division.He also didn't revolt because he was a employee who had the chances of getting kicked out of the forging division by his superintendent.

AdityaRaj100:I never said anything about "Martial Arts System". Neither did I say anything about crazily killing people, nor did I say anything about killing the Superintendent. Starting a revolt or something would be much better or leaving and opening own shop somewhere else is a good idea too. You have not read the other novels I presume, being the only reason you don't understand these points.

I know that novel is trash. I completely agree on that part but I never said anything about Martial Arts System you are the one forcefully putting it here.

Saad_Yousuf:First of all do you even understand English I just said from my perception that novel is trash.Do you get it.And for the second time as I stated use some brain when you are reading novels if a 15 years old can understand that than a man in his 20s should be The Mc didn't open his own shop so that he can sell to the army legally by staying in the forging division.He also didn't revolt because he was a employee who had the chances of getting kicked out of the forging division by his superintendent.

Yeah what you gonna do curse me or something like that

AdityaRaj100:What is your problem? These are basic internet things that everyone knows. And you really need an English teacher. Stop reading stuff from MTL, your brain is deteriorating if you can't understand that I was being polite in this scenario considering the fact that you are just a kid who didn't know these things.

Go read Legendary Mechanic, Revered Insanity and Commanding Wind and Cloud before saying this stuff.

Saad_Yousuf:First of all do you even understand English I just said from my perception that novel is trash.Do you get it.And for the second time as I stated use some brain when you are reading novels if a 15 years old can understand that than a man in his 20s should be The Mc didn't open his own shop so that he can sell to the army legally by staying in the forging division.He also didn't revolt because he was a employee who had the chances of getting kicked out of the forging division by his superintendent.

Nope, I have my principles, I don't curse children, especially on the Internet, but if you at least paid attention in your school, you would have understood what being polite to someone means.

Saad_Yousuf:Yeah what you gonna do curse me or something like that