
Review Detail of T_o_m_a_t_o711 in GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?

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A good read and the author have put great effort in it but it is unlikely to be finished even with over 10k chaps so the story going on for like a decade , drop midway or a rushed ending is to be expected.



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Keep moving forward ! I believe in Legion shall become a concept …and your work shall be eternal !

DMadLord:thank you for your support. I'll try to soldier on. to be honest, I didn't know what I was getting into when I started GREED. I shouldn't have started with a project so big for my first book. I should have started with something shorter and less complex and with just one main character. but I was ignorant, naive, and hopeful. I was too excited to share the universe in my head with others to think about the implications. now it has struck me that I might be doing this for at least 5 more years. Anyways, I hope I have loyal fans like you with me every step of the way.

oh ye of little faith. you are right about the duration of the book. but you are wrong about me giving up on it. I am not saying it is not possible for me to give up on it. I am just saying that this pessimistic outlook about GREED might bring about its premature ending. I have the material for the book up to the end so it is unlikely that I will quit because of lack of inspiration. but it is highly likely that I will quit when my readers don't support and have faith in me. Imagine, I am busy writing the book but you are already complaining about it ending prematurely. it is like deserters during a battle. they kill morale and can lead to a sounding defeat. do your best to support me. if I quit early after all of your support then you can complain about me. I already doubt that I will complete it. it doesn't help my confidence if you doubt me too. thanks for the review by the way.


If you don’t finish this and add this to the list of masterpieces that got cut off like Reverend insanity… then it is really just frustrating , antagonising and insufferable . I tell you even if my opinion isn’t exactly that important … you are a genius , an artist , a creator.. so don’t give up for yourself and for us your faithful fans.

DMadLord:oh ye of little faith. you are right about the duration of the book. but you are wrong about me giving up on it. I am not saying it is not possible for me to give up on it. I am just saying that this pessimistic outlook about GREED might bring about its premature ending. I have the material for the book up to the end so it is unlikely that I will quit because of lack of inspiration. but it is highly likely that I will quit when my readers don't support and have faith in me. Imagine, I am busy writing the book but you are already complaining about it ending prematurely. it is like deserters during a battle. they kill morale and can lead to a sounding defeat. do your best to support me. if I quit early after all of your support then you can complain about me. I already doubt that I will complete it. it doesn't help my confidence if you doubt me too. thanks for the review by the way.

thank you for your support. I'll try to soldier on. to be honest, I didn't know what I was getting into when I started GREED. I shouldn't have started with a project so big for my first book. I should have started with something shorter and less complex and with just one main character. but I was ignorant, naive, and hopeful. I was too excited to share the universe in my head with others to think about the implications. now it has struck me that I might be doing this for at least 5 more years. Anyways, I hope I have loyal fans like you with me every step of the way.

SmillingDemon:If you don’t finish this and add this to the list of masterpieces that got cut off like Reverend insanity… then it is really just frustrating , antagonising and insufferable . I tell you even if my opinion isn’t exactly that important … you are a genius , an artist , a creator.. so don’t give up for yourself and for us your faithful fans.

I hope so

SmillingDemon:Keep moving forward ! I believe in Legion shall become a concept …and your work shall be eternal !