
Review Detail of Kanon58 in ._._..._._._._._._..

Review detail


hello to all Im the original author of this fanfic this guy stole my work and Hi to you Gaby_Dagohoy! you got the NERVE TO STEAL MY FANFIC. YOU SHALL PAY DEARLY FOR THIS YOU THIEF. Hope you get your karma and hope you go to jail for stealing someone elses work for fame and money.



Liked it!




So you mean its ok to repost without even asking for permission? I would have let it slide if he would have pm me in the first place for permission. also why would he credit to the very bottom when he can put it on the beginning of notes?


look like you are blind he credit you for your story


Even that person credits the novel, he/she "didn't give the permission" to post it did the person gives the permission? No! It's not like "ah let's just post the novel and credit the owner. And it's mine" My friends novel and also her name.

Codeseed:look like you are blind he credit you for your story

question did you ask permission or give credit to the Creator of demon slayers? and also his account hasn't been active for over 4 months a lot of fanfic writers don't get credit to the creators I seen someone who literally copied one piece word for word


well this isnt your problem but our problem. he talks to me not you. why do you care about someone elses problem?

Codeseed:question did you ask permission or give credit to the Creator of demon slayers? and also his account hasn't been active for over 4 months a lot of fanfic writers don't get credit to the creators I seen someone who literally copied one piece word for word

I see now you're dodging my question🤣 and I don't see a problem all I see is someone crying over spilled milk besides he's not making any money


I don't know what is your problem unless you are secretly this guy over here. It sounds like you used to this kind of stuffs, you do not even understand how fanmade works. Just becuz its a fanmade it does not mean the effort those people put is okay to be taken by someone elses cuz its free. I bet you are his friend in real life that's why you are so active in responding.

Codeseed:I see now you're dodging my question🤣 and I don't see a problem all I see is someone crying over spilled milk besides he's not making any money