This is the story about an author who read Solo Leveling (aka Only I Can Level Up) and thought "Hey people liked this so why dont I write a fan fiction except copy most of the things that made it good?" Pretty trash stuff right here and I dont normally use that word in my reviews. At least try to be original. Plagiarism has never been cool.
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LIKEif he isn't coping it all and there are changes then it's not plagiarism and you should stop calling it that as 'not being original and copying stuff' and 'plagiarism' are 2 different things as you know sonic copied dragon ball z in some things and kinda borrowed heavily from it but theres a lot of different stuff with it as well so it's not plagerism I mean you know the chaos emeralds kinda directly ripped off dbz's whole dragon ball thing and super sonic is a rip off of super sayian and I think shadow is the sonic's version of vegeta but you see tons of different little details like the shadow dude's back story and stuff and also characters that are original like amy and peach and all them so it's not plagerism it's just borrowing heavily and not being original and the whole borrowing heavily kinda makes or breaks it as you can't borrow so much that it's pretty much what your borrowing as then it'd be plagerism where you just stole pretty much everything as looking at sonic he has a bunch of stuff not related to dbz like him being a hedgehog or his whole thing being him being fast and Amy liking him and the whole canon they have and sonic has several tv shows and they are pretty originin and also he just got a movie and I think his most recent tv show was sonic boom but just all of that is showing he's his own dude bad not dbz as it's not the same as sonic didn't steal it all and only stole some. I mean borrowed