
Review Detail of Gojusensi_441 in Male Applicants Only

Review detail


what the how did it win the competition ?? no comments even the author didn't write a comment why the heck did it win s s s ss ss ss ss ss ss

Male Applicants Only


Liked by 2 people




Why? What's wrong with it?


Wow. Thanks so much 😬 this is my first bit of work on WebNovel, so I’m still learning the platform. Thanks for taking the time to read it though.


True 😂

Aqura:Why? What's wrong with it?

don't reply to me like that it makes me guilty

Lila_Reedd:Wow. Thanks so much 😬 this is my first bit of work on WebNovel, so I’m still learning the platform. Thanks for taking the time to read it though.

if a novel is good then at least ppl would comment right ? but i didn't find any and thought it's sus

Aqura:Why? What's wrong with it?

I mean you left a 2 star review on something you haven’t even read. Just because I’ve only recently started writing on WebNovel and have no following doesn’t mean my work isn’t good or any less deserving as any of the other entries. Did you think that maybe I spent a lot of my minimal free time writing something with a good plot and character development? Something that the reviewers thought was worthy of winning?

Gojusensi_441:don't reply to me like that it makes me guilty

smh when did I ever said that it's bad i haven't read it so I haven't said anything bad about it giving a 2 star rating is all I can give ( at least it's not a fake 5 star and i clearly stated that i haven't read so anyone dropping this after reading my comment wouldn't really have any interest in this so tq , i don't know whether you used to be an author of other websites or not but a story with 1.5k views and 0 comments would really make me sus so that is

Lila_Reedd:I mean you left a 2 star review on something you haven’t even read. Just because I’ve only recently started writing on WebNovel and have no following doesn’t mean my work isn’t good or any less deserving as any of the other entries. Did you think that maybe I spent a lot of my minimal free time writing something with a good plot and character development? Something that the reviewers thought was worthy of winning?

No actually, that's not right. There are many silent readers, myself included, that prefer to read a book based on its content rather than its 'comments section'. By that logic, you should just go around reading comments rather than books, no? Not to mention, from what i've gathered, this book hasn't been published for too long? There are many new books being published by the day, these things need time and dedication; exactly what you've just rudely dismissed with your shallow review. I don't know why you thought it would be a good idea to give a book you haven't read 2 stars *merely because* it had no comments. That just makes me question your priorities as a person but you do you, I guess.. 🤷‍♀️

Gojusensi_441:if a novel is good then at least ppl would comment right ? but i didn't find any and thought it's sus

Oh and to answer your review's question, Webnovel staff don't decide winners based on their comments section 😂

Gojusensi_441:if a novel is good then at least ppl would comment right ? but i didn't find any and thought it's sus

it's like i know there are silent readers ofc i know but at least the author have to have herself a review ? and to say that they decide the winner by not the review or view i can clearly find even more good books out there which get dropped without even winning when they clearly have more views and more reviews , i have my priority to check the review cause i don't wanna read and find that it's trash in the middile if my reading cause that will just waste my time so clearly i have my priorities here ! yes i know this just got published newly and i don't really hate or dislike it for that reason i just wanted to how it got the price without a single soul in review section or even the views it's not like there aren't any novels with better writing or characters or the plots ,so giving it 2 star is really the best it could get without me actually reading it ! i mean if this app had a no star review then i would have given this that clearly u don't understand it , and i don't like fake reviews so I didn't wanna gave it 5 stars like i have given it 2 stars and written smtg which is clearly unrelated to the novel itself so ppl can judge themselves till there are any actual ppl reviewing it .

Aqura:Oh and to answer your review's question, Webnovel staff don't decide winners based on their comments section 😂

oh and don't mind my typing i just typed it real fast with my auto correction that some part of it will not be understandable . ps( if u have this much time to talk ppl down why can't u just give the novel a proper review which it deserves ୧| ͡ᵔ ﹏ ͡ᵔ |୨

Aqura:Oh and to answer your review's question, Webnovel staff don't decide winners based on their comments section 😂

😂 Ridiculous... At least not fake five-star? 😂 Hahahaha... Don't mind me, I just find it amusing. At least not fake... Pffft...

Gojusensi_441:smh when did I ever said that it's bad i haven't read it so I haven't said anything bad about it giving a 2 star rating is all I can give ( at least it's not a fake 5 star and i clearly stated that i haven't read so anyone dropping this after reading my comment wouldn't really have any interest in this so tq , i don't know whether you used to be an author of other websites or not but a story with 1.5k views and 0 comments would really make me sus so that is

you really love the word ridiculous lol everywhere i go u r there with this

JS10:😂 Ridiculous... At least not fake five-star? 😂 Hahahaha... Don't mind me, I just find it amusing. At least not fake... Pffft...

Again, that's not right. Not all authors have to give themselves a review, and you'll find plenty of people who actually dislike that. You saying there are better books with better reviews/views that haven't won just proves my point that they, in fact, don't decide winners based on popularity alone. So I'm not sure what you were trying to say there, but oh well. Now here's a question for you, if more qualified people don't judge books (at least not openly) based on these shallow factors, who are you to do so? You're entitled to your own opinion, but if you're gonna make a review, follow the proper process, which is to read and give a constructive review based on what you read. Not give a thoughtless review based on weak "suspicions". You saying "I even wrote why I gave it a 2 stars" is 1) a waste of time & 2) The 2 stars will reflect on the overall rating and not everyone will get to read your little disclaimer.

Gojusensi_441:it's like i know there are silent readers ofc i know but at least the author have to have herself a review ? and to say that they decide the winner by not the review or view i can clearly find even more good books out there which get dropped without even winning when they clearly have more views and more reviews , i have my priority to check the review cause i don't wanna read and find that it's trash in the middile if my reading cause that will just waste my time so clearly i have my priorities here ! yes i know this just got published newly and i don't really hate or dislike it for that reason i just wanted to how it got the price without a single soul in review section or even the views it's not like there aren't any novels with better writing or characters or the plots ,so giving it 2 star is really the best it could get without me actually reading it ! i mean if this app had a no star review then i would have given this that clearly u don't understand it , and i don't like fake reviews so I didn't wanna gave it 5 stars like i have given it 2 stars and written smtg which is clearly unrelated to the novel itself so ppl can judge themselves till there are any actual ppl reviewing it .

It's almost pointless to reply to you at this point but i'll humor you 😅 Pretty sure you've missed a whole big chunk of my point there so i'll sum it up for you. Your reasoning is BS, I suggest you refrain from sharing. There you go, you're welcome. As for why I haven't given this book a review is because I haven't read it (yet) and even though you have no idea how much "free time" I have, i'll let you assume so. Either way, unlike you, I would be more considerate *if* I really *hated* the book. Otherwise, it would be wiser to be aware that you'll be judged for what you say, and I gotta say, you're not looking too good right now.

Gojusensi_441:oh and don't mind my typing i just typed it real fast with my auto correction that some part of it will not be understandable . ps( if u have this much time to talk ppl down why can't u just give the novel a proper review which it deserves ୧| ͡ᵔ ﹏ ͡ᵔ |୨

i don't care about others perspective especially a stranger whom i am never gonna think about it , so suit yourself , either way i would already stated the facts so take it with a pinch of salt i can seriously think that u will really get hurt if u Start thinking about others outlook of you so take plenty of your free time to think about others

Aqura:It's almost pointless to reply to you at this point but i'll humor you 😅 Pretty sure you've missed a whole big chunk of my point there so i'll sum it up for you. Your reasoning is BS, I suggest you refrain from sharing. There you go, you're welcome. As for why I haven't given this book a review is because I haven't read it (yet) and even though you have no idea how much "free time" I have, i'll let you assume so. Either way, unlike you, I would be more considerate *if* I really *hated* the book. Otherwise, it would be wiser to be aware that you'll be judged for what you say, and I gotta say, you're not looking too good right now.

my review is exactly what I think about this so as a more qualified person u can ignore it altogether oh yeah if there was really a process to write a review then there won't be any need for comment section they make the comment section locked for non readers right but no they didn't did that , i wonder why cause it doesn't have any procedure to write a review and considering that i shouldn't write a review when I haven't read it . again i haven't given it a review i was just asking how tf did it win without any form of appreciation or something that stands out from others was not present , i am already sispointed with this app for their cliche Chinese novels that just ruin my days so obviously i would be sus for this too as the plot is seriously not unique but i am not saying that a good story needs to be unique it's just i don't think the editors have time to read every single novel for the competition so they usually takes the result by either the ratings or the views or either by pr but i just didn't find the two factors of the three here ? ???

Aqura:Again, that's not right. Not all authors have to give themselves a review, and you'll find plenty of people who actually dislike that. You saying there are better books with better reviews/views that haven't won just proves my point that they, in fact, don't decide winners based on popularity alone. So I'm not sure what you were trying to say there, but oh well. Now here's a question for you, if more qualified people don't judge books (at least not openly) based on these shallow factors, who are you to do so? You're entitled to your own opinion, but if you're gonna make a review, follow the proper process, which is to read and give a constructive review based on what you read. Not give a thoughtless review based on weak "suspicions". You saying "I even wrote why I gave it a 2 stars" is 1) a waste of time & 2) The 2 stars will reflect on the overall rating and not everyone will get to read your little disclaimer.

😂 😂 😂 Yap, I love the word ridiculous, and so, a ridiculous person. That's why I love reading your reviews and comments because they are ridiculous 😂 😂 😂

Gojusensi_441:you really love the word ridiculous lol everywhere i go u r there with this

Thank you. I appreciate you reading and your comments (although they’re falling on deaf ears 🙉) 💗

Aqura:It's almost pointless to reply to you at this point but i'll humor you 😅 Pretty sure you've missed a whole big chunk of my point there so i'll sum it up for you. Your reasoning is BS, I suggest you refrain from sharing. There you go, you're welcome. As for why I haven't given this book a review is because I haven't read it (yet) and even though you have no idea how much "free time" I have, i'll let you assume so. Either way, unlike you, I would be more considerate *if* I really *hated* the book. Otherwise, it would be wiser to be aware that you'll be judged for what you say, and I gotta say, you're not looking too good right now.

For real.. 😅 I'm suprised I had the tolerance to explain such basic etiquette for this long. Anyway, congrats on winning and keep it up! Rooting for you 😉

Lila_Reedd:Thank you. I appreciate you reading and your comments (although they’re falling on deaf ears 🙉) 💗