
Review Detail of Coffeeporse67 in Omniscient Author's Viewpoint

Review detail


Ok, I guess I'll be selfish and post a whole 5.0 star score. Honestly, stability of updates in the past story (when this had 9 chapters and a completely different story) was terrible, tapering off for no chapters for 2-3 months (my memory fails me). (1 star) Additionally, I would say the writing quality is not something that takes my breath away, but it is an experienced use of words that allows the story, character and setting to flow very well. (4.2 stars) As for the World Background, this is an ORV fanfiction, so many of the items will be reused. Still, there is not much to say about the lonely chapter as of now. (4~5 stars?) Same can be said for the story development. Finally, the character design, as for the MC for now, it is written pretty realistically, along with the reactions of the other characters. (5.0 stars) Okieeee, now it's time to write a summary for the previous story as a memorial which can be completely ignored (Does this count as a spoiler:) Previously, Jakga was called to a gym in their school for an announcement. We are introduced to the class president (I think?) who is charismatic. Unfortunately, chaos quickly ensues as a dokkaebi appears. A few bullies of Jakga are also introduced, and the class president protects Jakga, finally dying to Jakga's hands as a last heroic plea of "I don't want to let them have the glory of my death". Jakga kills all the bullies in retaliation, and soon the first scenario ends. We are introduced to the youngest and pretty teacher who feels guilt at having to kill (personally she reminds me of Yoo Sangah). As the sponsorship begins, something interesting happens, because in addition to being in a different "earth", it is confirmed that a few main characters from ORV are in the constellation selection roster for Jakga (I won't reveal the modifiers for spoilers of ORV). A skill within Jakga wakes up (I also won't reveal this for spoilers of this story OAV) and he ends up choosing no constellation. Something tells Jakga to escape the gym before the Dokkaebi returns, and he end up threatening/convincing the survivors to act the same. While the others are able to escape to a safe zone, Jakga is trapped by the scenario difficulty increase the Dokkaebi had a hand in. And that was the end before the rewrite. (This can be removed if the author is uncomfortable with this).

Omniscient Author's Viewpoint


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Since this is a relevant opinion that is also based on real things that have happened, I don't see why I would delete it. I am pleased to see such a detailed and informative review that allows me to see the points on which I have big problems (it is obvious that the pace of publication of the chapters is one ...). In addition to avoiding some major spoilers, you have summarized in a short and precise way the events of the story before I decided to rewrite it, which is already something I find pleasant from you. I thank you for the time you spent on this, and especially for the time you spent reading my writings which I didn't think could be such a great source of interest for others, and I hope with all my heart that this new version will interest you as much as the old one! RED


It's 14 days late to this reply, but thank you for writing this book :)

Redaliart:Since this is a relevant opinion that is also based on real things that have happened, I don't see why I would delete it. I am pleased to see such a detailed and informative review that allows me to see the points on which I have big problems (it is obvious that the pace of publication of the chapters is one ...). In addition to avoiding some major spoilers, you have summarized in a short and precise way the events of the story before I decided to rewrite it, which is already something I find pleasant from you. I thank you for the time you spent on this, and especially for the time you spent reading my writings which I didn't think could be such a great source of interest for others, and I hope with all my heart that this new version will interest you as much as the old one! RED