2023-06-02 09:27

why are all mls in China rapists that have no respect for women and the women themselves let themself be dominated like what is wrong with their brain it's so edgy and unlikeable

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It is very possible this comment will be censored or just outright deleted. I have only recently noticed that it's very possible every time iI share the FACT about Oriental Customs it disappears. **** Things that make you go Uhmmmm 🤔🤔🧐🧐 **** It's very disturbing that when ppl choose 2 interact with International cultures they show how they are so UNEDUCATED and NEVER STOP 🛑 2 think about what they are saying !!!! STOP 🛑 proving that more than 67% of Americans have a below 8th Grade Education level. Constantly yelling rape in these Comic Books and WebNovel stories is wrong !!!! The Age of Consent in China, Hong Kong, Japan etc IS 14 - 16 yrs old. Let's use our brains 🧠 in 2025, just Google "What are different Countries Legal Ages for Consensual Sex?" And prepare to be amazed.


Sexual assault and rape is still sexual assault and rape, no matter what age you are. That too is a *fact* you might wanna reacquaint yourself with… Since the ML does FORCE himself on her, AGAINST HER WILL, REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH SHE FIGHTS BACK, it’s considered sexual assault and rape. She even uses the term “sexual assault” to describe what he did to her, in the comic. And I basically stopped reading when she started being a doormat about it (and other abuse). Because I can’t stomach comics that promote rape and abuse. And just a bit of FYI : *The “age of consent” doesn’t matter when you’re lack consent is not respected.* Like it clearly *wasn’t* in this comic.

ForgottenBLoved:It is very possible this comment will be censored or just outright deleted. I have only recently noticed that it's very possible every time iI share the FACT about Oriental Customs it disappears. **** Things that make you go Uhmmmm 🤔🤔🧐🧐 **** It's very disturbing that when ppl choose 2 interact with International cultures they show how they are so UNEDUCATED and NEVER STOP 🛑 2 think about what they are saying !!!! STOP 🛑 proving that more than 67% of Americans have a below 8th Grade Education level. Constantly yelling rape in these Comic Books and WebNovel stories is wrong !!!! The Age of Consent in China, Hong Kong, Japan etc IS 14 - 16 yrs old. Let's use our brains 🧠 in 2025, just Google "What are different Countries Legal Ages for Consensual Sex?" And prepare to be amazed.
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