
Review Detail of Dark_Lord_3114 in Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Review detail


im no expert in writing good reviews so i will be brief, how the conversations are carried out is what i find for a lack of a better word "dull" maybe is just me but the conversations need more descriptions about how they are being carried, just a little example would be (ramdon character name) rolled their eyes while saying "bla bla bla", just some experesions to include in between the paragraphs of talking that the characters do, overall the story is great, i like the main character and how he handles thing, the lemon scenes were very spicy so i loved them 😊, and what else hmm i dont know but thanks for writing this and sorry for the convoluted mess that i wrote 😅


Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil


Liked it!




Hmm. It's not like I didn't want to include those small deets. I preferred that the chars convey what they feel with their dialogues. That is a simple, straightforward way of going about it. I suffer from inadvertently including too many details in my writing anyway. The chapter length would increase more if I were to adopt that approach. You are the first known binge reader of VEH after it had 100ish chapters punched in. Your perspective on the entire novel as a whole matters after all. If it makes the reading experience more immersive for most of the readers, I'll surely to include such small deets. Thanks for ur review and stay tuned! ;)