
Review Detail of Identify_ in Reborn into Naruto as a background character

Review detail


I dont really want to talk much about the story. The MC acts 100% outside of his age group and nobody cares. Everything just falls into his lap (plot). like anbu not properly looking after him so he can train as a newborn. etc... its just feels plain and unrealistic. but now to the real problem I have. I havent read the original so I dont know how much this has changed, but it doesnt feel like much till now. So my question is, are you the original author and want to overhaul your story or are you trying to make money by posting another persons story and "advance" chapters on your patreon? because even if you are overhauling the ff if you dont have the approval from the author this is still plagarism.


Reborn into Naruto as a background character


Liked by 7 people




Considering he straight up tried to copy and claim another novel as his own(the witcher one), I'm sure this is what he does to try and make people pay for "advance chapters". Don't support this man he's a fraud.