
Review Detail of Little_El in A Crazy Journey Through Fiction

Review detail


Neutral review The beginning is really good, I loved the MC, how he ended up in Westeros, what he became ect But when Robert enters the story everything has changed, he has become arrogant, he forgot what world he is in, that this Robert is the one who killed Raegar Targaryen and laughs over the corpse of two children who are his cousins ​​and an innocent woman without any remorse, it is a lord who has every right to kill him without any pretext, he should have stayed away from them . But above all he should have lied about his history, said that he is the second son of an average family, wherever his father is from Pentos and that his mother is Westerosis, just to explain his upbringing. In short an explanation that does not place it at the bottom of the food chain but also not so high, He could have been an independent knight, in short, the way of acting does not correspond to Westerosis and therefore, it cringes. The story is quite readable and we get caught up in the rhythm, I recommend reading it, I had to stop at chapter 17 because of the problems announced above but I know that it won't bother everyone

A Crazy Journey Through Fiction


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