
Review Detail of NowGoWithTheFlow in Altering Skyrim

Review detail


A book with a promising plot got ruined by MC character. Also there isn't much story development by the time I stop so only 3 stars. What I don't like about the MC is 1) Mc suppose to know all about skyrim but gets caught in the drinking game. 2) MC has power and it doesn't corrupt him at all doesn't make sense 3) The goat really at least explain more on why MC got the goat 4) Can't control his emotions that be the death of MC and plot armor will only protect him in the foreseeable future. Besides that I love the way you built the magic and the world one of the best that I have read so far. Also the way you brought MC into world with other people was a very slick way to do so. Is there a harem or a women or 2?


Altering Skyrim


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