
Review Detail of Myrth in New Place, New name

Review detail


Nice knowing that there have been more people reviewing your novel. I have analysis some of what I have commented and realize, That some of my advice id probably not what you need right now since as a new writer what you need is to finish developing you outline, So as an honest recommendation continue to develop your novel as it is, the reason being that you are probably writing what ever you imagine happening to Sarah on paper before you forget. This is good because by the end you will have an outline of everything you imagine happening to her you can then you can expand that outline later and refine it. Because if you start going down the route of what I have said then we might never see the end of your initial idea. As your work stands right now is a great as a first draft of imagining scenarios and events but it lacks development. You can then further refine your idea by developing plot points characters and so on, this will cause your world o increase and expand. and since you would already have a complete outline from beginning to end then you will not be stuck later on. Stuff like Character development, World development, Developing the magic system, all of this things will open a lot of routes for you once you look into them. I guess what you need is more practice, Go at it an write. n.n/

New Place, New name


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By the way I can't find you on discord I have looked for TheWriterOfOrigins no one with that name pops up. Also sorry for the very late reply you can look me up my name is almost the same it's myrthuamber

Scientist_113:Are you on discord?