
Review Detail of bondarant in MHA: Code

Review detail


I think it's a great idea well your brain being fast as a super computer in itself is OP with the things you can create the increase in reaction time IQ etc but i think it was not implented very well because those things i typed up above doesn't really hlappen i mean he can literally connect to internet and learn everything humanity has to offer he should be able to do something right? Wrong. He mostly acts like a chunni teenager that's bipolar and as far as i can see he doesn't really have a goal either just cardboard MC not to mention author couldn't really make things interesting despite the things he could do one problem i could point out is that he is restricting his own imagination of what can happen and cannot like c'mon your character is in a world of a green haired kid becoming a hero and saving the day you should be able to do better than that

MHA: Code


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