
Review Detail of peace01 in The Way of a Demon Lord

Review detail


I have never seen any story like this... honestly I've been looking for other stories like this, and the updates are really slow... the slow updates is actually kind of annoying.. honestly it wouldn't have gotten a 5star in "updates"... if not because of how much i respect and love the story... even if it's 18+.. just give it a chance.. it gets better.. personally i have a lot of questions.. like about the mcs past life original attributes... or his power as a demon lord... cause a certain demoness that appeared before a certain king came with her original power, but he didn't, except his eyes... I can't ask anymore than this since I didn't put the spoiler tag Now

The Way of a Demon Lord


Liked by 3 people




Hehehehehe. Stay tuned

Risks:Why do I feel like his reincarnation was something he planned and wasn’t just luck?

The answer to ur first questions r still a mystery. As for ur last question, it’s bcoz the MC reincarnated, which only brought his soul to this world while that demoness came with her full body


Why do I feel like his reincarnation was something he planned and wasn’t just luck?

TheDarkSide:The answer to ur first questions r still a mystery. As for ur last question, it’s bcoz the MC reincarnated, which only brought his soul to this world while that demoness came with her full body


Risks:Why do I feel like his reincarnation was something he planned and wasn’t just luck?

Oh okay, I thought the same.. since they always saw his soul as "too dark" but assumed it's because he's darkshoric, and always said his body is human, although I was just guessing... Also why did he bow to the leader in chapter 85 (who rules half of nemphis underworld). . . but has never bowed to the high king, that rules the whole of nemphis?. . and is basically the number 2 in the confederation. . as well as the leading the nation within the confederation (the only tier 3 nation), or the ever king, who is number 2 in the whole continent( 2nd only to the emperor), and number 1 in the confederation. . I first thought it was because of her position (demon queen, maybe?. . . that's what I thought at first (because she knew things, like she was reading his mind). . . and then when I learnt of her position, I realized she just has a good information network, cause she rules half of nemphis underworld). . . but when I compared them (the high king, and the woman). . . it didn't make sense he'd bow to her, and not the king. . . Did he just do it to fulfill his mission. . cause he said demons will do anything to fulfill their mission (deal)?...... I think his original body was probably destroyed or just dead, cause the second demon he met was surprised he was alive (the mermaid). . she couldn't believe it. . so he probably died as the demon lord (I'm guessing he was probably the demon lord, cause the title says so. . and he knew the demonesses true name that even her current lord doesn't know. . . meaning not just anyone can know it. . but they didn't appear to have had a deep relationship. . . in other words, it was more like. . . a casual one)... Honestly, I can't wait for the future chapters, cause he always calls their continent.. "a small continent".. and the demons (mc and the demoness that appeared before the king both) said they have visited other worlds apart from the current world they are in... meaning we might get to see other worlds in the story and other continents in their current world.. so will there be an introduction of other worlds into the story?... and other continents? .. I mean any demon can be summoned at anytime.. and they can't refuse.. meaning It would interfere with their private life.. and they would have to have the ability to jump through space innately to go back (within all demons)...???!...

TheDarkSide:The answer to ur first questions r still a mystery. As for ur last question, it’s bcoz the MC reincarnated, which only brought his soul to this world while that demoness came with her full body

just thought about something, the eye skill is a skill linked to his soul, so even if he dies, and reincarnates without his memories, he'd still have it... although you never said anything about soul skills

TheDarkSide:The answer to ur first questions r still a mystery. As for ur last question, it’s bcoz the MC reincarnated, which only brought his soul to this world while that demoness came with her full body

author is this novel dropped or are you going to continue it