
Review Detail of DidYouReadMyName in Primordial Descent

Review detail


Okay so I'm only about halfway through what is available to read right now ( chap. 156ish) at this point in the story I have to say it has been very well thought out. No glaring plot holes or inconsistencies. The plot flows from one scenario to another smoothly. Not many grammar errors. So the Mc is a powerful primordial God of destruction who begins to question his and the other gods origins. He decides to destroy the world that he and his family of primordial gods have made to their outrage. He loses the fight to be reborn on the very planet he wanted to destroy and is on a journey to rebuild his strength and have his revenge. If you are down for a dark MC who is meticulous, cunning, ruthless, and merciless this is your novel. The mc has been shown to have a very deep grasp of most situations allowing for a near perfect idea of what would play out allowing him to manipulate most situations to his absolute favor. He also is showing signs of maybe growing as well. Perhaps his time on the world he and his family made will change his outlook a little... or not we shall see .

Primordial Descent


Liked by 3 people




Thanks for this review, truly. You've encapsulated the novel and given such a positive (or rather negative 😈) outlook on the story. I shall continue to improve and write for the sake of these words!