
Review Detail of KingCristo in I Rank Zero

Review detail


When I began reading this I honestly wasn't sure what to expect from this piece. And to admit, the development and the premise isn't bad! And I infact enjoyed! The development of this piece pulls you in almost immediately and shows a rather sad MC that you want to support and care for. The only issue I have to say with this book (and need I say this is a personal preference) this story is a system novel. I personally don't care for the idea of systems but this writer keeps the element through the book so I must admire that. So far I've enjoyed it and look forward to seeing how the author creates such a mighty MC in the end. Character development here we come!!!

I Rank Zero


Liked by 1 people




lol of course! even if it is a personal preference you still execute the story with ease!

Zach_Lecher:Thank you so much for the feedback! Its a shame you don't enjoy system novels. It's my first time writing one so its a new experience. I am glad that you like the MC I want readers to understand him even though what he does is morally wrong. I appreciate the review :)

Thank you so much for the feedback! Its a shame you don't enjoy system novels. It's my first time writing one so its a new experience. I am glad that you like the MC I want readers to understand him even though what he does is morally wrong. I appreciate the review :)