
Review Detail of 5thPleiades in Reincarnated to Another World because ROB asked me.

Review detail


He told Azazel that he's a reincarnated person and his whole world is anime(He even told him about R.O.B and the mission). His sister knows this too. Mc is stupid, naive and cringy. He's so pathetic that this isn't even funny anymore. His sister is manipulating him and lying to him every time. Compared to his cheat his sister is growing way faster and working behind the scenes. The system is helping him develop proper character but is too slow and a lot of things happening behind his back. Nearly every character is doing something behind his back and he has no idea. Honestly, the real mc seems like his sister to me. Also, the system is very irritating. Me when I'm reading this:


Reincarnated to Another World because ROB asked me.


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