
Review Detail of marcelll3214 in Out for Karma: One Piece

Review detail


Starts great. Then you decide to make Mc repair homes for 10 years so he does not get too strong for Strawhats. Then you just folow cannon. Making mc cart is just boring. All he does is exist and tell people what will happen in cannon just before it happens, and it still does not change anything because nobody believes him, even when all he says alweys happens. He helped fight Shiki when he was 7 years old(did nothing but he tried), he is 28 and only improvement is that he does not fall into coma for months when he uses the same amount of power as 7 years old. He can not lift a ship. Lazy writing, no imagination for noncanon route. I am disapointed.


Out for Karma: One Piece


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