
Review Detail of Vitamin_F in Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen World with THREE wishes

Review detail


The writing quality is great, there are no typos or anything of the like and scene changes don't feel forced. Stability of updates, well I could live better with more chapters but the story hasn't been dropped (unlike every other jjk fanfic) so I can't really complain, besides the manga is still ongoing so it makes sense to go slowly. The story is well developed and the events, wether they are following cannon or not, don't feel forced or rushed through. Sachiko as a main character is pretty great, most author try to make mc's that act like they only do what they want but fail, meanwhile Sachiko actually does what she wants which is enjoyable to see. She is also very human in my opinion, the author actually makes her feel like a person who is obviously influenced by emotions at times. The rest of the characters act pretty much like their cannon counterparts so no complains there. As for the world background, there isn't much known about jjk as of now so it is hard to say, but the author doesn't invent nonsense or ignore things of the jjk world so no complains here either. Overall great story, one of my favourite female mc fanfics out there. Also this is more of my opinion but, while I usually prefer Yuri relationships in fanfics, the relationship here with Gojo is very nice to read so I don0t mind at all. Good job Author!

Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen World with THREE wishes


Liked by 4 people




Huh, I expected a 4.8 to be rounded up to 5 here but it seems not, anyway I feel it is a 9/10 if not a 10/10 so yeah I would recommend you reading it.


Thanks for such a detailed review! I really appreciate this ❤️ And of course, I'll try to update more chapters. It's just that I'm often sick these days and have less time to write.