2022-01-12 18:05

I liked the story so far, except the part of calling his woman as a pet, I never saw anyone who'd call a woman that he made himself as his ideal woman as a pet/animal. he treat her as a servant in a good way, he's very posessive about her, and that was goodn but it doesn't make any sense that he call her a pet!! refering to one of the women of your dreams as a pet is not a way to show that you love her, but rather that you view your crush as something equal to animals. So, Why. Do. You. Call. Her. A. Pet?? in the end I want to request that you stop calling her a pet, and you can refer to her as a servant 'at least something that is meant for a human', and if the book continue in a 'good way' I will post another 5 stars review.

Liked by 4 people


Do you not love your pet more than you do other people?


i expected an invincible reffrence as a reply to your comment but i found none, i'm a bit dissapointed


funny thats how I'd describe Invincible aka Mark. . . Pathetic Wimp

viloh:i expected an invincible reffrence as a reply to your comment but i found none, i'm a bit dissapointed
Other Reviews

the story is still doing great! also this is my second review! I want to suggest he make minor permanent changes to his body like having dense muscles and bones but make him have atheletic built, his physical capabilities should be borderline superhuman, enhance his senses by copying them from animals with said senses at high level, like Hawk-sight, Bear Sense of Smell, Spider's danger Sense, as for other changes? he could change his appearence when he needs to look like some random guy, or be specific. . . . plus all he needs is to start meeting with various lords and Maesters to make them his loyal servants, collect coins from them, plus take some of their men until he have his own loyal army of enhanced soldiers and by then he will have all of them packed with tons of battle/war experience and add it to himself too ofc, then knowlege can be giving to certain people like Katiya and ofc himself, afterward he can go to Essos to further his influence on free cities and the he can make them start massacring Dothoraki for supplies to enhance his soldiers and probably do experiments like making humanoid monsters like Minotaurs, Centaur, . . . and maybe try find Dragon Eggs and hatch them using his powers instead of the method in GoT, and then after the dragons grow he can start enhancing them like increasing the dendity and durability of their scales, increase their size until they become behemoths that will be mentionned in legends. by the end of the story I expect him to take over most of the world, or at least Westeros & Essos, make his own harem 'Wife, Mistersses, Lovers, . . .'(all he need is to plant love, devotion, and all within certain women), unify Essos and Westeros onto a single Empire(True North and Skagos should be included after massacring all cannibals from them), with a unified army of enhanced soldiers, and make enhanced servants that will be used to reconstruct cities until they became majestic, deal with all criminals or most of them, build his own capital that will be the most majestic city in the world, make maesters, researchers, alchemists; . . . cooperate to advance the sciences of their world, . . . in the end all of this are ong terme goals, which will give the story a room to become a long one, plus it does make sure you won't run out of ideas to write.

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